Andreev Konstantin Petrovich
Military hydrograph.
Born in Revel in the family of a naval officer.
After graduating from the naval school in 1872 with the rank of
midshipman, he conducted hydrographic work in the Baltic Sea.
In 1878 he graduated from the hydrographic department of the
Nikolaev Maritime Academy and continued work on the Baltic Sea as a
In 1881, preparations began for the 1st International Polar Year and as part of its
organization of the Russian polar station on Novaya Zemlya.
When discussing the issue of the station manager, Andreev was
chosen from among three candidates, whose name was given by
Pushchin, who presented him as the best officer of his
This choice was supported by academician
and the head of the Hydrographic Department, Lieutenant-General
of naval navigators
Being seconded to the
Imperial Russian Geographical Society, Andreev in 1882–1883
headed the Russian International Polar Station on Novaya Zemlya,
and then for three years engaged in the processing of the materials
In 1887, he supervised the hydrographic party, which carried out
the survey and survey of Lake Onega.
In 1888, Andreev was appointed head of a separate survey of the
Eastern Ocean.
Until 1893, under his leadership, hydrographic work was carried
out in the Peter the Great
Bay, on South Sakhalin, at Moneron Island and in the Amur estuary.
During this period, he repeatedly lectured at the Society for the
Study of the Amur Region.
Amderma Village
(photo by O. Smirnov)
Since 1894, Andreev headed the Special Survey of the Black Sea,
first with the rank of lieutenant colonel, then colonel and major
general of the
of naval navigators.
In 1908, the rank of lieutenant general was dismissed.
The merits of Andreev were awarded orders of St. Stanislav
3 degrees, St. Vladimir
and 4
degrees, St. Anna
2 and
3 degrees.
He died of starvation in Petrograd, buried in the Smolensk
Orthodox cemetery.
The grave has not been preserved
Cape in the Kara Sea east of
Named in 1901, by he hydrographic expedition of the Arctic Ocean under the leadership of