Arngold Eduard-Nikolai Egorovich 

Doctor, member of the hydrographic expedition Arctic Ocean. 
Born in St. Petersburg, graduated
 the Imperial Military Medical Academy and the course of scuba diving.

He began serving as a doctor on the ships of the Pacific squadron, sailed on the squadron battleship "Poltava", military transports "Bakan" and "Aleut", was a member of the defense of Port Arthur. Since 1906, he served in the Baltic Fleet: in the Kronstadt hospital, on the Angara military transport, in the 1st detachment of the Baltic Sea mine ships. In the hydrographic expedition Arctic Ocean agreed to participate voluntarily. 
In the expedition Arngold sailed on the icebreaker "Vaigach" as a ship's doctor, whose duties, in addition to healing, included microbiology. 
During the voyages, Arngold collected significant collections of marine and land animals, as well as plants. During the period of stops in various ports of the Pacific Ocean and at the camps on the coast of the Arctic Ocean, he provided medical assistance to the local population. 
With German accuracy, Dr. Arngold kept a diary throughout the voyage, recording in detail everything he heard, saw and did. Unfortunately, on the revolutionary days in Petrograd, a significant part of his manuscripts perished. Nevertheless, on the remnants of the materials, the draft abstracts of his lectures, which he read in Yalta, while being treated for tuberculosis, his friends and his wife M.N. Arngold in 1929, after the death of the doctor, released the book "On the coveted path". It was actually the first, fairly detailed description of an outstanding expedition that made the most important geographical discovery of the twentieth century — the discovery of the Northern Land archipelago. 
It was believed that Arngold died of tuberculosis in the 1920s. Now there is reason to believe that he was shot by revolutionary sailors. 
The island off the east coast of the island of the October Revolution. Opened in 1913 by
the hydrographic expedition Arctic Ocean on the icebreakers "Taimyr" and "Vaigach". However, then this island was mistaken for a cape. The name on the map appeared in 1928. In 1931 the expedition G.A. Ushakov established the truth, retaining the name.


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