Bogolyubov Andrey Andreevich

Russian general.
Education and primary education received in the Alexander Cadet Corps and the 2nd Military Konstantinovsky School.
Upon graduation in 1860, he began serving as an officer in a rifle battalion, and in 1863, as part of the Lithuanian Life Guards, took part in suppressing the Polish uprising.
In 1864, Bogolyubov entered the Academy of the General Staff, where he graduated with a small silver medal. In subsequent years, he served in the Warsaw Military District, in the military accounting committee, where he compiled the military statistics collection, took part in hostilities during the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, for which he was awarded the Golden Weapon and the Order of St. Anne 2 degrees with swords . Since the beginning of the peace talks, Bogolyubov served under Adjutant General Ignatiev, then was sent to London at the disposal of Count Shuvalov, took part in the Berlin Congress as part of a commission to determine the boundaries of the Bulgarian principality.
The role of Bogolyubov in the work of the commissions on the rearmament of the Russian army and the arming of fortresses is great He was one of the largest authorities in these matters and the closest advisor to the Chief of the General Staff and Minister of War.
In 1898, Bogolyubov continued his military service, replacing Adjutant General Kuropatkin as head of the Transcaspian Region, where he did a lot for the development of Russian settlements. Later he was a corps commander and assistant commander of the Warsaw Military District. In March 1908, he received the rank of general from infantry, and in May he was dismissed due to illness, which brought him, full of energy, experience, knowledge, to the grave.
Bogolyubov had a remarkable mind and was endowed with great artistic talent. He founded the Penza School of Painting, where he donated his rich collection of paintings. Bogolyubov bequeathed another famous collection of carpets to the museum of Emperor Alexander III.
He died in Petersburg, buried in one of the cemeteries of the Alexander Nevsky Monastery.
Cape and the mountain in the Bay Bear on the Kara coast of the northern island of New Earth. Cape opened in 1835 by A.K. Tsivolka and mapped without a name. Described and named in 1901 A.A. Borisov, whom Bogolyubov helped to enroll in the drawing school.


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