Filippov Alexander Mikhailovich
Chemist at St. Petersburg University, Arctic researcher.
Acted as a hydrologist in the expedition of the artist
Borisov to the Novaya Zemlya.
Previously participated in the expedition
Knipovich in the Barents Sea.
He left behind a large number of works on the history of
the development of the Arctic.
At the request of Borisov, Filippov described the
journey of 1899-1900 on the yacht "Dream"
in the magazine "Niva" and in German in the Geographical Journal of
A. Peterman.
Strait in Sharap cats in the Kara Sea off the western
coast of the Yamal Peninsula. It is called
A river on Novaya Zemlya that flows into Bear Bay.
Named A.A. Borisov. |