Geller Karl Bartholomeus (20.11.1824 - 14.12.1880)
Austrian naturalist. Born in Moravia. His father headed the Vienna Gardening Society. In the years 1845-1848 Geller traveled to Mexico and Central America, where he collected extensive botanical and zoological collections that he sent to Vienna. I also visited Cuba and the USA. In 1851, he became an adjunct, and in 1853, a professor of natural history at the University of Graz. His publications include Beitrage zur naheren Kenntniss Mittelamerihas (Gratz, 1853), Reisen in Mexico (Leipsic, 1853) and Das dioptrische Mikroshop (Vienna, 1853). He died in Vienna. Cape in the west of the island of Wilczek Land in the archipelago of Franz Josef Land. He opened on April 2, 1874, Yu. Payer during the second toboggan trip through the archipelago. |