Klenova Maria Vasilievna
(31.07(12.08).1898 - 06.08.1976)
geologist, doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences, one of
the founders of marine geology in the USSR.
Born in Irkutsk in a working class family.
Since 1925, she worked as a senior researcher at the Institute of
Oceanology of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
In 1937, she was approved as a professor in the field of marine
geology and by a resolution of the Higher Attestation Commission of
May 11, 1937, she was awarded the degree of Doctor of Geological and
Mineralogical Sciences without defending a dissertation. Based on
her research, she developed a methodology for compiling soil maps of
the seas. According to this technique and under the guidance of
Klenova, over 150 soil maps were compiled for the Barents, White,
Caspian and other seas.
During the war, Klenova worked as head of the Department of Marine
Geology of the Marine Division of the State Hydrological Institute
of the Main Directorate of the Hydrometeorological Service. Under
her leadership, about 200 special maps and atlases for the Navy were
compiled. She repeatedly traveled to the Northern and Black Sea
Fleets, where she worked on compiling manuals and lecturing to
Klenova participated in many marine expeditions of the Academy of
Sciences of the USSR: to the Caspian Sea, in the Arctic (Novaya
Zemlya, Svalbard, Franz Josef Land), and took part in the First
Soviet Antarctic expedition. She conducted research on sedimentary
rocks in rivers, seas and oceans, and is considered the founder of
Russian marine geology. In 1948, she released the first textbook on
the geology of the sea.
Klenova spent 4 days on drifting ice, she was the first woman at
the North Pole-4 drifting station.
In 1960, her monograph on the geology of the Barents Sea was
published, and in 1975, on the geology of the Atlantic Ocean.
She died in Moscow.
Tract Mount Klenova (on some maps the
Maple Mountains is mistakenly indicated) in the west of the northern
island of Novaya Zemlya in the vicinity of Russkaya Gavan Bay. |