Klochkovsky Vyacheslav Evgenievich
(02(14).02.1873 - 01.15.1930)

Russian, Ukrainian and Polish naval commander, Rear Admiral of the Russian fleet, Brigadier General of the Polish Army, hero of the Tsushima battle. Born in Kronstadt.
In 1898 he graduated from the course of law at Demidov Law Lyceum. September 1, 1899 was made an exam in midshipmen and enrolled in the 4th naval crew. He sailed as a navigator on the destroyer destroyer "Kamchatka" and mine transport "Yenisei". March 15, 1904 was appointed senior navigator of the cruiser 1 rank "Admiral Nakhimov" and promoted to lieutenant. In this position, he participated in the campaign of the 2nd Pacific Squadron and the Battle of Tsushima, where he acted as navigational assistant without a break 26 hours before the cruiser was flooded. He refused to escape and stayed on a sinking ship along with the commander, whom he kept in the water for several hours until they were picked up by Japanese fishermen. He was captured until November 1905.
From 1906 to 1907 he served as a senior navigational officer for the "Bogatyr" cruiser. In 1908 he was promoted to lieutenant commander and commanded the submarines "Pescar" and "Okun". In 1910, he commanded a submarine division of the Black Sea.
In 1910 - 1912, the assistant to the head of the scuba diving training unit. April 10, 1911 was promoted to captain of the 2nd rank. From March 13, 1912 to 1913, the commander of the auxiliary vessel Bakan, who was involved in the search for information on the expeditions of G.Ya. Sedov and V.A. Rusanov.
During the war of 1914, commanded a submarine brigade of the Black Sea. March 22, 1915 for the difference in service promoted to captain of the 1st rank, and in July 1917 promoted to rear admiral.

Cruiser "Bogatyr"

During the German occupation of Ukraine and Crimea, he served as the naval representative of the government of the hetman Skoropadsky in Sevastopol and assisted the officers who captured the submarines in Sevastopol during the German departure in November 1918. After the allies transferred part of the ships of the Black Sea Fleet to General Denikin, he commanded with him and later, under General Wrangel, a scuba diving team in the Black Sea. After the evacuation of the army of General Wrangel in November 1920, he left for Poland and, being a Catholic and a Pole by birth, was in the service in the Polish navy with the rank of rear admiral.
On May 29, 1922, a brigadier general; on August 20, 1923, the 2nd deputy chief of the army administration. On January 20, 1924, he was relieved of his post and sent to senior commander courses. Since November 1, 1924, the deputy head of the Navy. May 22, 1926 he was sent to the 15th Infantry Division in Torun with the aim of internship. On March 17, 1927, the division commander, and already on September 30, 1927, retired.
Merits of Klochkovsky are marked by numerous Russian and foreign orders and medals.
He died in Warsaw, was buried in the Military cemetery on Powzki in Warsaw.
The peninsula and cape in Mityushikha Bay on the Barents coast of the northern island of Novaya Zemlya. Named G.Ya. Sedov in 1912


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