Samoilov Yakov Vladimirovich
(23.11 (05.12) .1870 - 09.29.1925)

Born in Odessa, in the family of a craftsman.
In 1893 he graduated with honors from the Natural Department of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Novorossiysk University. Consisted of a supernumerary laboratory assistant in the mineralogical laboratory.
In 1895, Samoilov moved to Moscow and began working at Moscow University under the direction of V.I. Vernadsky. In 1902, he defended his thesis for a master's degree in mineralogy and geology “Materials for Barite Crystallography” and was invited to lead the Department of Mineralogy and Geology at the New Alexandrian Agricultural Institute. He defended his doctoral dissertation “Mineralogy of vein deposits of the Nagolny Ridge” in 1906 at Moscow University.
Since December 1906, Samoilov took the post of associate professor at the Moscow Agricultural Institute, where he created the Mineralogical Museum of Agronomic Ores. At the same time, in 1907-1911, as a privat-docent at Moscow University, he lectured in mineralogy and taught at the Moscow City People's University. A.L. Shaniavsky. In 1908, he organized a commission for the geological study of phosphorites in Russia.
In 1911, together with a large group of liberal-minded university professors, he was forced to leave Moscow University; in 1917 he returned to it and was elected professor and director of the Research Institute of Mineralogy. In 1919 he founded and headed the Scientific Institute for Fertilizers (now the Research Institute for Fertilizers and Insectofungicides named after Yakov Samoilov).
In 1913, Samoilov became a professor at the Department of Mineralogy and Geology of the Moscow Agricultural Institute and a supernumerary professor at the Moscow Commercial Institute.
The main direction of scientific activity of Samoilov was the study of mineralogy and petrography of phosphorites. He developed a biolithic theory of their origin and initiated the study of the chemical composition of modern seas and living organisms.
In 1919, Samoilov, being a professor at the Moscow Mining Academy, along with N.M. Fedorovsky headed its mineralogical institute.
In 1919, Samoilov was one of the first to suggest the presence of potash deposits in the Solikamsk region, which was confirmed in 1926. In 1921, he organized complex geochemical work at the Floating Marine Institute (Plavmorin). Together with M.V. Klenova examined the soil columns of the Barents Sea.
He died in Moscow.
An island (Pukhovy or Samoilova) in the Pakhtusov Bay off the southern coast of the southern island of Novaya Zemlya. Pukhovy - an ancient Pomeranian name. Named after Samoilov in 1927, the 14th expedition of Plavmornin to the expedition ship "Persey".


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