Belousov Mikhail Prokofievich 

Outstanding ice captain, Hero of the Soviet Union. 
Born in Rostov, in the family of an employee of a wine warehouse, the mother of an illiterate housewife. 
In 1913, the boy managed to get a job in Petrovskoe real school with difficulty. At the age of 15, Belousov began his working life as a digger at the Novocherkassk Agricultural Institute. 
In 1920, his first encounter with the sea took place - he worked as cabin boy on fishing vessels. The naval service attracted a young man, and in the fall of 1922 Belousov entered the marine branch of the Rostov Polytechnic of waterways. In practice, in the summer of 1923, he sailed across the Black Sea on the schooner "Agitator", and in 1924, after passing the final examinations, he was sent to Vladivostok. His sea life began as an assistant navigator on the steamer "Indigirka", then before he was drafted into the army he managed to work as a navigator on the steamers "Memory of Lenin", "Primorye", "Shaturstroy". Like the overwhelming majority of Soviet youths of worker-peasant origin, Belousov joined the Komsomol, and in 1928 - in the VKP (b). He served in the army in two ways: first, from November 1926 to December 1927, then after a break, he was again called up as an officer in 1929 due to the outbreak of the conflict on the Chinese Eastern Railway and participated in hostilities. 
Since 1932 Belousov began to go out to sea as a captain. His first ship was the ship "Volkhovstroy", and then on different ships he made long-distance flights to Shanghai, Tien-Jin, Hakodate, Osaka, Formosa, Singapore, Colombo, London, Genoa and other ports, accumulated experience in maritime navigation in the severe Sea of Okhotsk, off the coast of Kamchatka. His first Arctic ship immediately became the famous icebreaker "Krasin", on which he led the escort of ships in the ice of the eastern sector of the Arctic. Belousov walked tens of thousands of miles on the Krasin. He conducted large caravans of ships through the ice of the Chukchi and East Siberian seas and the Laptev seas. In 1935, in severe ice conditions, he made his way to latitude 73° 30'N of Wrangel Island, to an area where free-floating vessels had never been. In 1937 participating in the search for an  aircraft S.A. Levanevsky, sailed in the Beaufort Sea, off the coast of Alaska. Four times "Krasin" under the command of Belousov made his way to the island of Wrangel, delivering there the necessary cargoes for life and changing polar explorers-winterers. 
In 1937 Belousov was awarded the Order of the Red Star. A manifestation of the greatest trust and favor to Belousov was his appointment in 1939 as the commander of the flagship of the Soviet icebreaking fleet of the icebreaker "I. Stalin".  For the first time in history, a Belousov-led icebreaker made a double cross-cutting voyage along the Northern Sea Route from Murmansk to Providence Bay in the Bering Sea and back, having covered more than ten thousand miles in the Arctic seas. 
In the winter of 1939 - 1940, Belousov on an expedition led by I.D. Papanin, drifted 812 days from the Laptev Sea l/n "G. Sedov". At the same time a record latitude of free swimming on the polar night was reached - 80° 42'N. It was for this flight that Belousov received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (medal No. 391). In addition, he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner and World War I degree. 
In the same 1940 he was appointed head of the maritime administration the Main Directorate of the Northern Sea Route. During the Great Patriotic War, Belousov was in charge of shipping in the Arctic, and was head of the White Sea ice operations. 
He died in Moscow, buried in the Novodevichy cemetery.


Icebreaker "Captain Belousov" on the route of the Northern Sea Route


In 1955, the "Captain Belousov" icebreaker, operating on the Northern Sea Route, but better adapted, like the "Captain Voronin" and "Captain Melekhov" single-series with it, was launched to operate in freezing ports. Currently, "Captain Belousov", the only one of these three vessels remaining in service, is working in the port of Mariupol (Ukraine).
Cape in the south of the island of Ziegler archipelago Franz Josef Land. Named by Soviet cartographers in the 1950s. Currently, "Captain Belousov", the only one of these three vessels remaining in service, is working in the port of Mariupol (Ukraine).

Mountain in the south of Wrangel Island.


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