Berg Lev Semenovich (Simonovich) 

Russian encyclopedic scholar, geographer, biologist, academician, winner of the Stalin Prize. 
Born in the city of Bender, Bessarabian province, in the family of a notary. While still studying at the Kishinev gymnasium (1885–1894), he was fond of natural science — he collected herbariums, dissected fish, read scientific literature. In 1894, he was baptized and entered the Moscow University. Already a student became known experiments on fish breeding. The diploma work on pike embryology was the sixth printed work of a talented young man. 
In 1898, after graduating from the University of Berg with a gold medal, he worked in the Ministry of Agriculture as an inspector of fisheries in the Aral Sea and the Volga, and explored steppe lakes, rivers, and deserts. In 1902-1903 he studied hydrology in Bergen (Norway), and during 1904-1913 he worked in the Zoological Museum of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. 
In 1913, Berg moved to Moscow, where he received a professorship at the Moscow Agricultural Institute, occupying it until 1918. Since 1916 he combined teaching at the Agricultural Institute with work at the Department of Physical Geography of St. Petersburg University. 
In 1915 he was awarded the Great Konstantinovsky Medal of the IRGO.

In 1918, Berg finally left Moscow and connected his life with Leningrad, the Leningrad University, of which he remained until the end of his days, during 1922-1934 was also head of the department of applied ichthyology of the State Institute of Experimental Agronomy (later the Institute of Fisheries), from 1940 year headed the All-Union Geographical Society.

Berg was a prominent geographer and historian of geography, an outstanding ichthyologist. He developed and deepened the ideas of V.V. Dokuchaeva on the zones of nature, created the doctrine of geographical landscapes. In the field of the history of geography, his works are devoted to the discoveries of Russians in Asia, the Antarctic, Alaska, old maps, the life of small nations, and the biographies of scientists. Thanks to Berg, many forgotten names and facts of Russian priority were restored.


A plaque on the house LS Berg

at Petersburg, English Pr, four

For many years he studied limnology, exploring the lakes of Western Siberia, the Aral, Balkhash, Issyk-Kul, Ladoga. The works of Berg also touched upon the problems of the geomorphology of the Aral Sea region, Siberia, the Caucasus, Chernihiv region, and Turkmenistan. 
Berg's scientific style and methods of work impressed with extraordinary productivity (he owns over 800 works). He was distinguished by iron self-discipline, tenacious memory, ability to work without drafts and in any conditions, clarity and clarity of presentation (the text began with the definition of concepts) and conclusions, an excellent literary language. 
During many years of teaching, Berg brought up many Soviet geographers.

Merit Berg awarded two orders of the Red Banner of Labor, medals "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." and "For the Defense of Leningrad".

He died in Leningrad and was buried in the Literatorsky footbridge of the Volkovsky cemetery. Granite stele with a high-relief portrait. 
Cape on the island of George Land archipelago Franz Josef Land. Named by Soviet cartographers in the 1950s. 
Cape in the northeast of the island of the October Revolution of the archipelago Severnaya Zemlya. In 1913, opened by the hydrographic expedition of the Arctic Ocean 1910–1915  under the command of B.А.Vilkitsky.

The river on Taimyr, a tributary of the Tessema River.


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