Bianki Valentin Lvovich 

Famous Russian zoologist, ornithologist and entomologist. The father of the classic of domestic children's literature, Vitaly Bianki. 
Born in Moscow, brought up in high school Gurevich. 
From childhood he was interested in natural science, in the gymnasium he devoted all the holidays to collecting zoological and botanical collections. However, life was such that the biological education of Bianchi did not receive. 
He went to study at the Military Medical Academy, from which in 1883 he was released as a doctor. Then for two years he was an intern at the clinic of internal diseases, Professor Koshlakov, and a duty doctor at the Mariinsky obstetric hospital. In January 1885, Bianki took the place of a rural doctor in Staritsky district of the Tver province. 
However, as in the gymnasium years, zoology attracted him most in life (the first scientific publication on ornithology was published in 1884, even during active medical practice). At the first opportunity, in September of the same year, he, at the suggestion of Professor E.K. Brandt, moved to the post of assistant at the Department of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy at the Military Medical Academy, where he could engage in scientific research. 
In April 1887, Bianchi took up the post of scientist-keeper of the entomological department of the Zoological Museum of the Academy of Sciences, where he studied mostly butterflies and beetles. For a long time, material difficulties did not allow him to finally abandon teaching work. He was not fully engaged in ornithology until 1896, at the age of 38, when he was elected to the Physics and Mathematics Division of the Academy of Sciences for the post of senior zoologist. From that moment until his death, Bianchi headed the ornithological department of the Zoological Museum of the Academy of Sciences. 
In 1908, at the invitation of P.Yu. Schmidt, in the composition of the zoological department of the expedition F.P. Ryabushinsky Bianki worked in Kamchatka. During the summer months he performed ornithological research in the vicinity of Petropavlovsk and in the valley of the Kamchatka River from Ust-Kamchatsk to Kozyrevsk, collecting a large ornithological collection. 
While conducting observations on the middle course of the Kamchatka River, Bianki visited the foot of the Klyuchevsky volcano and registered 62 species of birds in the Klyuchey area. 
Then he went upriver to Kozyrevsk, but due to the onset of autumn and the end of the expeditionary period allotted to him, he was forced to descend the river to Ust-Kamchatsk, from where he returned to Petersburg via Petropavlovsk.

In 1911 he was awarded the Small Gold Medal of the Russian Geographical Society. 
Bianchi is the author of a number of capital research papers. Among his numerous ornithological studies, first of all, it should be noted a number of monographs on the systematics of various birds - snowcocks, pheasants, finches, larks, titmouses, bullfinches, flycatchers and others. An important place in the scientific heritage of Valentin Lvovich is occupied by the first volume of the Fauna of Russia, in which detachments of agar-like and trubkosov birds are described with exhaustiveness. Of great methodological importance was the publication of the compiled Bianchi "Instructions for collecting birds, their eggs and nests". 
He died in Petrograd. He was buried at Shuvalovskoye cemetery. Granite pedestal, the cross is lost. 
The island is among the islands of the Eastern Nordensheld archipelago in the Kara Sea. It was mapped in 1901 by the Russian Polar expedition member F.A. Mathisen and named E.V. Toll.


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