Bialokoz Evgeny Lyudvigovich 

Russian military hydrograph, Lieutenant-General Hydrograph Corps. 
Born in Moscow. After graduating from the Naval College in 1882, Bialokoz began serving in the navy as a ship officer on the Skobelev corvette and other ships. During the voyages, he immediately understood the enormous importance of the correct formulation of the hydrographic study of the seas, and the compilation of maps and landings. He decided to devote himself to this business and on returning from foreign navigation he entered the hydrographic department of the Nikolaev Maritime Academy, from which he graduated in 1888. For his high academic achievements his name was put on a marble board. 
In 1889, the Maritime Department sent Bialokoz for an internship at the Pulkovo Observatory. The winter months were devoted to theoretical training, the summer months to participation in the implementation of hydrographic work in the Baltic Sea. At the end of the internship, he was appointed head of the hydrographic party of a separate survey of Lake Onego, where he worked for four years. 
In 1895, Bialokoz was called for administrative work. As an outstanding hydrograph, he was appointed head of the cartographic section of the GSU. In his hands turned out to be the leadership of all the expeditions and surveys of the Directorate, as well as all the institutions and workshops for the production of maps, the publication of manuals for navigation, the supply of all ships with them. Bialokoz approached the assigned case with all responsibility. He traveled abroad to familiarize himself with the formulation of the case in England, France, Germany and, returning, presented to the leadership of the
Main Hydrographic Department a plan for the reorganization of cartographic workshops. During the leadership period of Bialokoz, the business of publishing cards was completely reorganized, which played a positive role during the Russo-Japanese and the First World Wars: the fleet did not have a shortage of cards. Significant improvements have occurred in the production of filming. 
In 1907, Bialokoz was appointed to the responsible position of head of the Baltic Sea Hydrographic Expedition. The old maps for this strategically important area have ceased to satisfy the needs of the deep-seated fleet. Bialokoz enthusiastically took up this business, but for the time remaining before World War I it was not possible to fulfill all the necessary things. Having arrived at the disposal of the commander of the fleet, the expedition also solved strategic tasks in the wartime on surveying fairways and raids. 
In 1917, Bialokoz became the first elected head of the GSU, succeeding M.E. Zhdanko. In the most difficult years of the civil war, he managed to support both cartographic workshops and the factory of nautical instruments at a height close to the most productive years of work at the beginning of the war. 
Strenuous activity in extremely difficult years affected his once good health. 
Before he was 60, he died in Petrograd after a brief, serious illness.

The merits of Bialokoz are awarded with the Orders of St. Anna of the 2nd degree, St. Vladimir of the 3rd degree and St. Stanislav of the 1st degree. 
He was buried at the Kazan cemetery in Tsarskoye Selo (now Pushkin). There was a family crypt of Bialokozov, in which his daughter and wife were buried earlier. The search for a cemetery, unfortunately, did not lead to success. 
An island in the Dyrovataya Bay near the island of Vaigach. Named in 1902 hydrographic expedition under the command of A.I. Varnek. The name was approved by the Council of the IRGO on December 5, 1902. 
Strait between the islands Diabazovy and Flat in the skins of Minin. Named at the suggestion of the Dickson Hydro Base. The name was approved by the decision of the Dikson regional executive committee of December 14, 1964.


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