Blossseville Jules-Alfons-Rene

(29.07.1802 - 1833)

French officer, geographer and explorer.

Born in Rouen, department of Seine-Primorski, Upper Normandy, France.

In 1818, he volunteered to take part in a sea expedition to the Antilles and Cayenne on the north coast of South America, and in 1819 he participated in an expedition to the West Indies. 1822-1825 - junior officer in a round-the-world voyage on "la Coquille".

In 1823, in the Tahiti region, he met the captain of the barge Endeavor, John Dibbs. With him, he put on the map the island of Maupiti. 
In 1827, Blosville participated in an expedition to "La Chevret" in India and Burma. In 1828, with the rank of lieutenant, he participated in the Mediterranean mapping.

In 1833, he was appointed commander of "La Liloise", who made a trip to the Danish strait between Iceland and Greenland. During his stay in Iceland, Blossville published a preliminary report on the expedition.

After leaving Iceland, his ship disappeared without a trace into the sea.

The coast of Blossville is the inhospitable coast of southeastern Greenland between Kangerdlugssuak 68°N Fjord and Cape Brewster 70° 10'N.


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