Dobkin Innokentiy Yakovlevich 

Soviet polar explorer, hydrograph. 
Born in Petrovsk, Transbaikal, Chita region in the family of an employee. In 1931 he graduated from the local nine-year school and entered a cast iron foundry as a mechanic. 
In 1939, after graduating from the geodesic department of the Omsk Agricultural Institute, Dobkin received a specialty as a geodetic engineer and was assigned to work in the land management department of the Yakut Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. There they could not use it, and he moved to the Lensky Hydrographic Department of the
 Main Directorate of the Northern Sea Route, going as a surveyor to the Yansky District. 
During the war years, Dobkin was a member of the Providence hydrobase, participated in hydrographic work on the Bering Strait, the Vankarem and Chukotka expeditions. 
In 1947, he moved to the Northern Porto-Survey Expedition of the
Main Directorate of the Northern Sea Route, and in 1950 - to the post of head of the astronomical and geodetic department of expedition No. 4 of the Main Directorate of the Northern Sea Route.
He died in Franz Josef Land. 
Cape in the southeast of the island Alexandra Land archipelago Franz-Josef Land. 
The name was approved by the Arkhangelsk Regional Executive Committee in 1956 (Decision No. 271).


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