Heiden Alexander Fedorovich 

Russian military sailor, count. 
He graduated from St. Petersburg University. In 1882–1883 served in the army, since 1884 - in the navy. He served on various vessels in the Mediterranean and Baltic Seas. 
In 1900, Heiden was a member of the Academy of Sciences Committee on RPE Equipment, under the direction of E.V. Toll. 
Service career Heydena developed very successfully. In 1900–1906 he served as head of the office of the Imperial Main Apartment, was the aide-de-camp of Nicholas II, in 1906-1908. - Head of the Maritime Campaign Office. In 1908, Heiden received the rank of Rear Admiral of His Majesty's retinue, and in 1913, Vice Admiral. Since 1916, he is a member of the Admiralty Council. The revolution and a rather early death stopped him. 
He died in Moscow. 
Bay in the Taimyr Gulf of the Kara Sea and the mountain on its coast. Named in 1901 by E.V. 


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