Walter German Eduardovich 

MD, ornithologist and bacteriologist. 
Born in the town of Hermes, Livonia province. He graduated from the University of Dorpat. 
In 1899, under the leadership of N.M. Knipovich Walter took part in a research expedition aboard the ship "Andrey Pervozvanny" off the Murmansk coast and at Novaya Zemlya. Already here his qualities of a versatile enthusiastic researcher were revealed and, what is very important for the expeditionary worker, excellent human qualities. He was an excellent musician, chess player, passionate hunter, and a witty conversationalist. All this earned him the love and respect of his comrades. 
As a ship's doctor, bacteriologist and second zoologist, Walter was invited to the Russian Polar Expedition E.V. Toll, with whom he was familiar from his student days. 
During the first wintering off the coast of Taimyr, he participated in sleigh, foot and boat trips, helping his comrades in making observations, replenishing food stocks with fresh meat, collecting collections of fauna and flora.


Walter in the cabin preparing for the hunt

(photo from PFA RAS f.14 op.2 case 79)

Second wintering on the western shore of the Boiler Island on the Nerpalah Lagoon was more severe. Walter developed an ever-increasing heart failure caused by rheumatism transferred to the previous winter. Always physically and spiritually strong, Walter did not want to put up with the disease, continued to participate in excursions, was engaged in research, was on duty at the observation station. However, the disease took its toll. He died during one of the duties at the station. His death was a heavy moral blow for all members of the expedition. Toll was particularly worried about losing his friend: "I am not able to describe all the infinite sadness that I am experiencing these days ...".


The grave of Walter. 1973

(photo by N.S. Bondarenko)

The grave of Walter. 1973

(photo by R.F. Sobolevskaya)

Walter's grave is located on the west coast of the island Kotelniy archipelago Novosibirsk islands. Initially, it was surrounded by five cast-iron columns, interconnected by anchor chains. By our time, only chains left from the base of the metal cross remained from the fence. On the cross with one crossbar is a board with the inscription: “H. Walter". In 2010, a group of enthusiasts restored it. 
Cape on the west coast of the island Kotelniy. Called by E.V. Toll in 1902. 
Bay in the Taimyr Gulf. Named in 1901 by E.V. Toll. 
Plateau on the New Siberian Islands. Named by Russian Polar expedition  in 1900-1903.


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