Wild Heinrich Ivanovich
and geophysicist, Swiss by birth.
Born in Uster, in the Zurich canton of Switzerland, where he
spent his childhood years. He
studied at the University of Zurich. In
1857, Wild received a Ph.D. Three
years later, he became a professor at the University of Bern, in
1858–1868. was
director of the astronomical observatory in Bern. In
1863, Wild founded several meteorological stations, thus laying the
meteorological network of Switzerland, creating a number of physical
and meteorological instruments for it.
In 1868, after the death of Academician L.M. Kemts
The Russian Academy of Sciences found itself in a very difficult
situation, since it could not find a worthy candidate for the post
of Director of the Main
Physical Observatory of the Academy of Sciences from among
its members and Russian scientists. They
remembered Wilde, whom Kemz himself highly valued, as a major
physicist and meteorologist.
In 1868, Wild was elected an academician of the St. Petersburg
Academy of Sciences and director of the Main
Physical Observatory of the Academy of Sciences, which he headed until
Since 1879, he was president of the International Meteorological
Committee: he was engaged in setting up a network of meteorological
stations and observatories, created instruments for them, organized
and carried out the processing of observations and their
publication. By
the end of Wilda’s directorship in the Main
Physical Observatory of the Academy of Sciences, the network of
meteorological observations in Russia consisted of 729 stations, 934
rain-measuring stations, over a thousand points were observed over
thunderstorms, snow cover, opening and freezing of water bodies. In
dozens of points, the temperature of the soil on the surface and
depth was recorded, evaporation and the duration of sunshine were
Wild was one of the initiators of the discovery in 1878 of the
Pavlovsk Observatory, which, with his efforts, soon became the
“exemplary meteorological institution of the Old and New Worlds”.
The contribution of Wild to the organization and conduct of the
I International Polar
Expedition of 1882–1883 is great. In
1880, he was elected chairman of the I International Polar
Expedition , which united the efforts of 14 states. Under
his leadership, real steps were taken to implement the ideas of the
initiator of the I International Polar
Expedition K.
Weyprecht. Wild
led the development of the expedition's programs, maintained
contacts with the national polar commissions both during the
preparatory period and in the process of conducting polar research. After
completing the observations, he compiled a program for processing
and publishing materials, which he implemented with great energy,
meticulousness and punctuality until 1891, when many volumes of
observations were put into set. All
handwritten copies were transmitted by the participating States to
the HFO, which became the world data center for the I International
Polar Year.
Fairly attaching great importance to factual material, Wild
abstained from any generalizations and conclusions, demanding the
same from his employees. A.I. Voeikov
characterized him as “scientific mediocrity”. Under
Wilde, the observatory left a number of talented scientists. Actively
and successfully opposed Wild to the elections to the Academy of
Sciences of D.I. Mendeleev.
In 1895, Wild left Russia and went to Switzerland. By
this time, its prestige in the Academy of Sciences began to fall:
there were major domestic scientists who knew Russian reality better
and better understood the needs and requirements of Russian
meteorology. The
last straw that initiated Wild’s resignation was the fire at the
Pavlovsk Observatory, during which the pavilion burned down for
absolute magnetic observations. However,
even being outside of Russia, Wild continued to be keenly interested
in the affairs of the Main
Physical Observatory, which he gave nearly thirty years of
The merits of Wild are awarded with the 2nd
degree Order of St.Anna, 3rd
degree St. Vladimir, the Austrian Order
of Franz-Joseph. Imperial Russian Geographical Society noted the extensive work of G.I. Wild
"On Air Temperature in the Russian Empire" with
the F.P. Litke Medal.
He died in Zurich.
Cape Eclips
Bay and an island in
Middendorf Bay near the coast of Khariton Laptev. Named
in 1901 by Russian Polar txpedition. |