Vize Vladimir Yul'evich 

An outstanding meteorologist, oceanologist and historian of Arctic research, Stalin Prize winner, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Arctic explorer. 
Born in Tsarskoye Selo in the family of a modest official and housewife. After graduating from the gymnasium, his father provided him with maintenance for the period of his further studies before receiving his specialty. Wiese decided to become a chemist and went to Germany, where he entered the University of Göttingen. However, he soon became disillusioned with the choice of a specialty, fascinated by the history of natural science and questions of geographical discoveries. A big, one can say decisive role in choosing his life path was played by acquaintance with the book of F. Nansen about the expedition on the "Fram". Chemistry was over. In 1910 he graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Göttingen and returned to his homeland with the firm intention of devoting himself to polar research. 
Upon returning to Wiese, he made two trips to the Kola Peninsula, where he conducted ethnographic research. 
In 1912 a message was published about the organization of the expedition G.Ya. Sedov on "St. Foka". Wiese with his friend M.A. Pavlov began to persistently seek admission to the membership. There were many who wished, but Sedov chose these two novice scientists. He was captivated by their enthusiasm, energy, and enthusiasm with which they talked about their research on the Kola Peninsula. Wiese was appointed a naturalist. 
His main responsibility was the organization and conduct of meteorological observations. During the first wintering period, Wise crossed the Novaya Zemlya along the northernmost latitude of 75.5–76° at that time and surveyed the Kara coast. On Franz Josef Land, he conducted meteorological and magnetic observations. With the onset of daylight I spent several toboggan routes, specifying the position of several small islands east of the wintering site, Hooker Island and giving them a physical-geographical description. In addition, if possible, he conducted a study of glaciers and collected a collection of polar plants. The expedition of Sedov gave a great experience of field research in the Arctic. Vize was planned by Sedov as the fourth participant in his expedition to the pole. 
At the last moment, Sedov left him, not wanting to disrupt scientific observations.


Dead Seal Island. In the fog Roubini rock. It is mapped to the Vize in 1914

(photo by N. M. Stolbov)

After the revolution, Vize continued work in hydrometeorology. Since 1918, he worked on issues of oceanography and meteorology at the Main Physical Observatory, and in his spare time he processed the materials collected by him on the Sedov expedition. 
World War, revolution and civil war forced the interruption of research in the Arctic, but from the very beginning of the 1920s, expeditions to the Barents-Kara sector resumed. Of course, Vize could not stay away from them. In the summer of 1921, as a leader of the oceanographic detachment, he participated in the filming of the southwestern part of the Kara Sea on the icebreaker Taimyr. Since 1922, Vize has worked in four organizations at once: the Main Physical Observatory of the Academy of Sciences, the Main Hydrographic Department, the Central Hydrometeorological Bureau of Mortrans, and the State Hydrological Institute. He was engaged not only in the Arctic, participated in numerous scientific and scientific conferences and meetings, was a member of several Soviet and international commissions, published fundamental articles on oceanology, hydrology, ice and meteorological prediction. 
After 1927, its activities became associated exclusively with the Arctic. He moved to a permanent job at the Institute for the Study of the North. 
In 1928, Wise was the head of the expedition on the icebreaker ship "Malygin", which participated in the search for the team of the dead airship U. Nobile "Italy". For this expedition he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. Since then, Wiese has become one of the most active participants in all the research and development activities in the Arctic. 
In 1929, at the post of deputy chief of the expedition, he participated in a cruise on the icebreaker "G. Sedov”, the main purpose of which was the organization of a scientific observatory on Franz Josef Land in the bay of the Quiet Island Hooker. 
In 1930, Wiese headed the scientific part of the expedition on the “G. Sedov", who explored the northern part of the Kara Sea. Earlier, in 1924, on the basis of the analysis of the materials of the expedition of G.L. Brusilov, he predicted the existence of a vast enough land in the northern part of the Kara Sea. During the expedition to “G. Sedov" on the predicted place was opened a small island, which was named after the soothsayer. But Vize himself realized that an island measuring 30 kilometers by 15 kilometers could not have a significant impact on the drift “St. Anna". It turns out he was wrong? But no. Accuracy of the Vize analysis was confirmed several years later, when research showed that in the northern part of the Kara Sea stretches a vast shallow water with the islands of Solitude, Wiese, Ushakov, which affected the ice drift. He could rightly be called raising the Vize. 
The same expedition landed on the island of Domashniy the famous four of G.A. Ushakov, which was to be put on the map of the archipelago Severnaya Zemlya. 
In 1932, Wiese took part in the historic cruise of the icebreaking ship “A. Sibiryakov”, for the first time in a single navigation past the Northeast Passage (Northern Sea Route). According to the ice forecast, Wiese chose a route around the north of the archipelago Severnaya Zemlya. The prediction was correct. For participation in this flight, Wise was awarded the Order of Lenin. After the voyage “A. Sibiryakov” was created Glavsevmorput and subordinate to him All-Union Arctic Institute. Vize became deputy director of the institute R.L. Samoylovich on scientific work. 
In 1933, Wiese was elected a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, which was the official recognition of his scientific achievements. In the same year he led the expedition to “A. Sibiryakov, which opened the islands in the eastern part of the Kara Sea. 
In the summer of 1934, in the role of the deputy chief of the expedition for the scientific part of Wiese, he participated in the icebreaker campaign “F. Litke”, which for the first time passed the Northern Sea Route from east to west in one navigation. 
Wiese was planned to participate in the drift of the SP-1 station under the guidance of I.D. Papanin, but did not pass the medical commission. He was already 50 years old, and polar research does not pass without a trace for health. 
In 1936 he led the oceanographic work in the northwestern part of the Kara Sea on the icebreaker ship "Sadko", and in 1937 in the northern part of the Laptev Sea. 
After 1937, Wise could no longer travel to the Arctic for health reasons. He concentrated all his strength on solving the most urgent problem for the Arctic - the organization of long-term ice forecasts. He took the initiative of organizing systematic air reconnaissance of ice; first since 1928, he began to give scientifically based forecasts of the ice cover of the Barents Sea, and then of other Arctic seas. Its ice forecasts began to serve as the basis for the scientific and operational service of navigation along the Northern Sea Route. 
After the beginning of the war, among other major scientists, Wise and his wife were evacuated to Krasnoyarsk, where the Arctic Institute was transferred. 
Returning to Leningrad in 1944, Vise became head of the department of oceanography at Leningrad State University and for several years combined teaching work with work at the Arctic Institute.


VO 20 line, house 11. Vise lived here in apartment No.44


In 1946, he was awarded the Stalin Prize 2 degrees for research of the Arctic ice regime, completed by scientific work "Basics of long-term ice forecasts for the Arctic seas" (1944). The contribution of Vise to arctic historical science is great. His fundamental work “The Sea of ​​the Soviet Arctic ” is still very popular. In 1950, Wiese was awarded the Big Gold Medal of the All-Union Geographical Society. 
He was buried in Petersburg on the track of the geographers of the Literary bridges of the Volkovsky cemetery: a granite stele. 
An island in the northern part of the Kara Sea. In 1930 the expedition on the icebreaker ship “G. Sedov" opened and called. 
Cape in the northwest of the island Bolshevik. Named by cartographers in 1928. 
Cape in the north of the island of Brady and the glacier on the island of Greeley archipelago Franz Josef Land. Named by Soviet hydrographs. 
Cape and glacier on the west coast of the northern island of Novaya Zemlya. Named in 1913 by G.Ya. Sedov. 
Bay in the Bay of Well-being on the north-eastern coast of the northern island of Novaya Zemlya. Named in 1921 by participants of the hydrographic expedition of the Arctic Ocean on the icebreaker "Taimyr" under the direction of N.V. Rose 
Bay in Rusanov Bay on the east coast of the northern island of Novaya Zemlya. Named in 1925 by the Novaya Zemlya expedition of R.L. Samoylovich.


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