Wolf  Georgiy Viktorovich 


Russian scientist-crystallographer. 
Born in Chernigov, received his education in the Warsaw Gymnasium and the University of Warsaw in the natural department of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. 
The vocation for scientific work manifested itself in Wolf as a student. He studied crystallography and physics with professors A.E. Lagorio and N.G. Egorova, performed work on the electrical properties of quartz, for which he was awarded a gold medal. 
After graduation, Wolf was left as a fellow candidate at the Department of Mineralogy, but did not leave physics classes. He was convinced that crystallography should be considered part of physics, not mineralogy. 
After 1889, Wulf worked for some time in Germany and France under the guidance of famous scientists P. Groth and A. Cornu, where he collected materials for a master's thesis. Having defended it at the University of Warsaw, he worked there as a private assistant professor, then in 1897–1898.he is a professor at Kazan University, 1899–1906 - a professor at the University of Warsaw, 1906–1907 — emigration in Geneva, then Moscow University, which he left in 1911 to protest the reactionary policies of the Ministry of Education. 
After the revolution, Wulf headed the department of mineralogy and crystallography at the Moscow Higher Women's Courses, since 1918 he is a professor at Moscow University. In 1921 he was elected a corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. 
Wulf left an outstanding mark in various directions of crystallography. He developed a simple graphical method for processing the results of measurements of crystals using a special stereographic grid, named after him, simultaneously with the English scientist William L. Bragg derived the formula underlying the X-ray structural analysis, put the first X-ray structural studies in Russia. During the First World War, Wulf and his staff developed a new method of making X-ray screens, which has found application in medicine. 
He died in Moscow. Buried in Tarusa. 
Bay (George Wolf), extending from the east to the island of Pilot Makhotkin in the Nordensheld archipelago. Named Russian Polar expedition  in 1901.


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