Wüllerstorf-Urbair  Bernhard


(29.01.1816 - 10.08.1883)


Austrian statesman, scholar and writer.

Born in Trieste. He was director of the Maritime Academy in Venice.

In 1857-1859 on Novara made a voyage around the world.

During the Austro-Prussian-Danish War of 1864, Wullerstorf commanded a squadron in the German Sea, then commanded the port in the Field and Venice, and during 1865-1867 - Minister of Commerce.

His main scientific work was devoted to meteorological and astronomical problems, and in the last years of his life the development of the Austro-Hungarian railway network.

In 1882, Wüllerstorf published a book on meteorological observations of the expedition of Ju. Payer - C. Weyprecht.

Died in Bolzano, South Tyrol. Buried in the cemetery Grieser.

Mountains in the south of the Wilczek Land, Franz-Josef Land Archipelago. Opened and named in 1874 by Yu. Payer.


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