Drizhenko Fedor Kirillovich 

Russian hydrographic surveyor, explorer of the Arctic and Baikal. 
Born in Yekaterinoslav in the family of the titular adviser. 
In 1877 he graduated from the Maritime School with honors, enrollment in the Marble Book and the Nakhimov Prize and received the title of midshipman. During the years 1878–1883 on various vessels made voyages around the world, participated in the inventory of the shores of Sakhalin. 
In 1886 Drizhenko graduated with honors from the hydrographic department of the Maritime Academy and was seconded to the Pulkovo Observatory for specialization in astronomy and geodesy. 
After defending his dissertation on the investigation of marine angular instruments and the Drizhenko gyroscope in 1888 for two years as the party chief of the Special Survey of the Baltic Sea, he carried out an inventory of the Aboski and Finnish skerries. 
To familiarize himself with the state of hydrography abroad, Drizhenko traveled abroad twice, having visited 11 European countries, participated in surveys in  Corsica Island. For hydrographic studies, he was awarded the gold medal of the Paris World Exhibition. 
From 1891 to 1902, with a short break, Drizhenko was engaged first in the exploration of Lake Onega, and then of Lake Baikal, in 1903–1905. headed the hydrographic expedition of the Arctic Ocean, in 1905-1908. He led the party Special Survey of the White Sea, in 1906-1907 was a member of the commission of admiral V.P. 
Verkhovsky on the development of the Northern Sea Route.


Wedding G.Ya. Sedov. Behind the back of the bride, F.K. Drizhenko

(photo from wikipedia.org/wiki/Varnek,_Aleksandr_Ivanovich)

In 1908, in the rank of General of the Naval Naval Shturmanov Drizhenko, he took the post of Assistant Chief of the Main Hydrographic Department, combining these duties with the leadership of the shooting of the Kara Sea. In 1909, he became Russia's Permanent Representative to the International Shipping Commission in Brussels, represented Russia at the 1912 International Maritime Conference in St. Petersburg. 
In 1917, in the rank of full general, he resigned for health reasons and left for Krasnoyarsk.

Merit Drizhenko awarded orders of St. Vladimir 2 and 3 degrees, St. Stanislav 1 degree and St. Anna 1 degree. Among his scientific awards are the Gold Medal and the diploma of the World Paris Exhibition in 1889 for hydrographic work and the silver medal of Imperial Russian Geographical Society for the report “Hydrographic description of Lake Onega”.

After the revolution, Drizhenko served in the Ob-Yenisei hydrographic detachment, participated in the Kara expeditions, was a member of the Committee of the Northern Sea Route, led the hydrographic studies of Siberian rivers. 
He died in Krasnoyarsk, was buried in the Trinity Necropolis of the Pokrovsky cemetery. 
Cape on the northwestern shore of the northern island of New Earth. Named in 1913 G.Ya. Sedov.


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