Dubovskoy Boris Vladimirovich (1912— 1978)
Born in Novocherkassk in a family of Cossacks. In 1930 he entered the Moscow State University astronomy department. After graduation in 1934, he joined the Central Research Institute of Geodesy, Aerial Survey and Cartography. In 1937, under conditions of weak gravimetric study of the Earth, he obtained the coefficients of two expansions in spherical functions up to the 6th degree. About 14200 gravimetric points were used in the work. The decomposition of anomalies was carried out according to the Neumann method using auxiliary tabular material. For the territory of the USSR, mean anomalies were obtained using anomaly maps of 1: 1,000,000 and 1: 10,000,000 scale. Only in 1941-1943. Jeffreys published a decomposition to 3rd degree. Later, the results of Dubovsky were implemented in the development of the Molodensky theory and the study of the main practical problems of geodetic gravimetry arising from the use of world gravimetric surveys and the creation of a geodetic basis based on astronomical sites. In the first days of the war, Dubovskoy volunteered for the front, fought on the Voronezh front as part of the geodesic detachment, and was awarded the orders of the Red Star and World War II and the Medal "For Courage". After the war, he worked for 8 years at Glavsevmorput, and then from 1954 to 1976. - in Soyuzmorniiproekt. Dubovskoy is the author of more than a dozen inventions in the field of astronomic-geodesy, he created an aerial photography department in the Ministry of the Navy, which practically had complete economic and scientific independence. He was a member of many Arctic and two Antarctic expeditions. Under his leadership and with his direct participation, much work has been done to create topographic large-scale maps of vast areas of the arctic regions, coasts and islands of the Arctic Ocean, which contributed to the safety of navigation along the Northern Sea Route; performed large cartographic work in Antarctica. For the creation of topographic and general geographical maps of the Atlas of the Antarctic, B.V. Dubovsky and his colleagues in the aerial photography department in 1971 were awarded the State Prize. He died in Leningrad. Peninsula (Borisov) on the east coast of Taimyr, separating the cross-country gulf from the sea. Named by the North Taymyr expedition in 1952. |