Egorov Vladimir Stepanovich 

Russian hydrograph, arctic explorer, captain 1st rank. 
He graduated with honors from the Naval Cadet Corps. 
In 1887, he participated in the hydrographic work in the Gulf of Finland on the gun “Ersh”, in 1889–1890. served on the famous messenger ship "Bakan", engaged in the protection of fisheries and hydrographic survey in the Arctic Ocean. He took part in hydrographic studies off the coast of Novaya Zemlya and on the White Sea. 
In 1894–1901 He was engaged in hydrographic work on the Baltic Sea, in 1903–1904. commanded the gunboat "Manjur" in the Far East, and in 1906-1907. coast guard squadron ship Admiral Spiridov. 
The merits of Egorov were awarded orders of St. Anna of 3 degrees and St. Stanislav of 2 degrees. 
He died in St. Petersburg and was buried in the Smolensk Orthodox cemetery. Labradorite pedestal. The cross is lost. 
Cape in the Gribovaya Bay in the west of the southern island of Novaya Zemlya. Called the officers of the ship "Bakan" in 1889. 
Stones in the west of the Strait Matochkin Shar. 
Called by the officers of the ship "Bakan" in 1889.


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