Ekaterinin Boris Mikhailovich 

Arctic hydrograph. 
Born in Tomsk in the family of a doctor. In 1929 he graduated from nine classes in Verkhneudinsk (now Ulan-Ude) and entered the Tomsk Music Technical School, where he studied, however, for only three months. 
In 1931, Yekaterinin became a student at the Tomsk Siberian Mining Institute, graduated from 4 courses and moved to Leningrad, where he entered the Hydrographic Institute, from which he graduated in 1939 with a degree in engineering hydrograph. 
Immediately after graduation, Ekaterinin connected his life with
the Main Directorate of the Northern Sea Route and worked in this system all his short life. 
First, he was engaged in the office production, and in June 1939 he was assigned to the Novaya Zemlya hydro department in Arkhangelsk as the head of the hydrographic detachment. A year later, Ekaterinin was already the head of the hydrographic department of the Novaya Zemlya hydro-department, and in 1941 he was transferred to Leningrad to the position of senior engineer of the navigation department. 
Navigation in 1941 Catherine spent on the icebreaker "L. Kaganovich" the head of the party of the same measurement. After returning to Krasnoyarsk, where the
the Main Directorate of the Northern Sea Route was evacuated, he was appointed head of the department of navigational aids, and in 1947, after reorganization, as a joint department of hydrographic research and navigation aids. 
The merits of Yekaterinin were awarded the Order of the Red Star, medals "For the Defense of the Soviet Arctic", "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.", "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945.". 
Work in the Arctic early undermined the health of Catherine; in 1948, he contracted pulmonary tuberculosis and larynx. 

He died in Leningrad, buried at the Bolsheokhtinsky cemetery. 
Cape in the west of the island of George Land Archipelago Franz-Josef Land. Named by polar hydrographs in 1956. The name was approved by the Arkhangelsk Regional Executive Committee (Decision No. 271).


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