Eliseev Alexander Vasilyevich 

Russian traveler. 
Born in Finland, in the fortress of Sveaborg, where his father served. In early childhood, the nurse child was a retired Sevastopol soldier who laid the foundation for Spartan upbringing. The regiment, where his father served, constantly moved around Finland, and the harsh outdoor life hardened the strong and mobile boy by nature. At the age of 10 he was sent to the gymnasium in Kronstadt. Teaching was easy, especially geography and history. 
After graduating from the gymnasium in 1876, Eliseev, who was already a tutor for an adult student, made a trip to the countries of Central Europe and Northern Italy as an interpreter and mentor. In the same year he entered the natural history department of St. Petersburg University, but then, for material reasons, he moved to the Military Medical Academy. Despite the lack of funds, malnutrition, the inability to buy warm clothes, Eliseev, giving private lessons, set aside money for travel. 
In 1879, he traveled to the Urals for anthropological research, which became his favorite activity, in 1880, he visited the Ilmensky district of the Novgorod province for the same purpose. 
A year before the graduation, Yeliseyev, with only 400 rubles, went to Egypt, visited the ruins of ancient Thebes, from Cairo headed for the mountains of the Sinai Peninsula, reached Jerusalem and returned to Syria through his homeland. On the basis of his field diaries he published the book Path to Sinai. 
Immediately after graduating from the Academy, a trip to Northern Europe followed. Eliseev visited Sweden, Norway, the Kola Peninsula, passed from Kola to Kandalaksha. 
The military medical service of Eliseev began in the Caucasus, then Turkestan, Finland, Estonia, and St. Petersburg followed. 

In 1884, a young scientist went to Palestine to determine the living conditions of Russian pilgrims.During this trip, he crossed Greece, Italy, Sicily, moved to Tunisia and Algeria, spent more than two months in the Sahara and returned to Russia through Morocco, Spain and Western Europe. 
In 1886, on behalf of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society, Yeliseyev visited Asia Minor, exploring the route from Russia to the Holy Land, in 1889 - the Far East, studying Russian colonization in the Ussuri region, and through Japan and Ceylon returned to his homeland. In 1890, he assisted in the fight against the cholera epidemic in Persia. In 1893 in Sudan, occupied by the Mahdists at that time, the caravan of Yeliseyev was robbed, and he himself barely escaped death. 
The last expedition Eliseev was a trip to Ethiopia. In May 1895, when he was already sick, he made a report on this trip at a meeting of the IRGO. 
Eliseev died in his prime from severe pneumonia. He studied the countries he visited mainly in anthropological, ethnographic and medical relations, describing his travels, mainly in scientific and other periodicals. Separately, a three-volume edition of “Over the World” was published. 
Eliseev died when the writings of his tireless work only began to be recognized by the scientific community. 
He was buried in St. Petersburg at the Smolensk Orthodox cemetery. The grave is lost. 
Cape in the Nakhodka Bay on the western coast of the Gulf of Ob in the Kara Sea. Named in 1895 hydrographic expedition under the leadership of A.I. 


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