Inglefield Edward 

English sailor, arctic explorer. 
Born in Cheltenham, his father Samuel Inglefield and maternal grandfather were admirals. 
Educated at the Royal Naval College in Portsmouth, Inglefield in 1834 began serving as a first-class volunteer. He made his first voyage on the flagship of Admiral Graham Hemmond to the shores of South America. After a year of service at the South American base, he already with the rank of midshipman participated in navigation around Cape Horn in the Pacific Ocean with visits to the islands of Oceania. 
After five years of absence, Inglefield returned to England, to Portsmouth, passed the certification for the rank of lieutenant and continued to serve on the ship, which was part of the Mediterranean squadron operating off the coast of Syria. With sailors and marines he stranded during a storm at Fort Sidon, took part in the capture of Beirut, was a signalman during the shelling of the coast, took part in other combat operations. In subsequent years, he served in the North American and West Indian bases, was a signalman on the royal yacht "King George" during the Queen's first visit to Scotland in 1842, under the command of  E. Belcher was engaged in shooting the shores of China and Borneo, was part of squadron, defending the British merchant ships off the coast of South America during the Argentina-Uruguay conflict. 
In 1850, he returned to England wounded and sick and served at a half salary ashore, representing England at a large exhibition in 1851. 
In 1852, Inglefield offered his services to Jane Franklin, who equipped a small 150-ton displacement schooner Isabelle to participate in the search for her husband's missing expedition. Jane Franklin planned a short-term voyage only with the aim of delivering food for the expedition of E. Belcher, based near Beachy Island, and receiving information from him about the search. However, Inglefield offered her to expand the mission of the expedition and explore the northern part of the Baffin Sea. 
After receiving permission from the Admiralty, he with a large supply of coal and food, designed for long voyages, July 10, 1852 left the British coast. Good weather and favorable ice conditions allowed him to make up for the time lost due to the late exit. Inglefield examined the Whale Bay, having traveled 140 miles further north than any of his predecessors, found it to be a strait (now Walsund). He discovered several small islands and put on the map about 800 miles of the unknown coast. They were first given the name of a large island to the west of Greenland - Ellesmere, in honor of Count F. Elsmir, statesman, president of the Royal Geographical Society in 1854-1855. 
Inglefield was very attracted to the idea of ​​penetrating far north through the Smith Strait. He drew a wide open sea to the very pole, but the season was coming to an end, and he was reluctant to turn south. The Strait of Lancaster was open, and Inglefield went west and reached Beachy Island, where he discovered the base ship of the Belcher expedition, the North Star, under the command of Pellen. On about. Beachy Inglefield did what the people of G. Austin and E. De Haven did not do, who were the first to discover in 1850 the site of the first wintering expedition of Franklin. He unearthed one of the graves of the companions of Franklin. The corpse was perfectly preserved, and it was obvious that death did not come from scurvy, although the cause could not be established. Leaving all the food and coal to the winterers, Inglefield went home and in four months reached the English shores. 
For geographical discoveries made in this voyage, the Royal Geographical Society awarded Inglefield with a gold medal, and the French with a silver medal. 
In 1853 in England they began to worry about the fate of the expedition of Belcher. A ship, the Phoenix, commanded by Inglefield and assigned to him, was sent to assist him. 
Set off on May 26, 1853. That summer in the Baffin Sea there was a very difficult ice situation. Only on July 29, with difficulty, came to the Pr. Lancaster, eight days waiting for the formation of at least some passage among the huge blocks of ice. On the basis of Belcher, the coal and food stocks were unloaded and they heard all the news concerning the discovery of R. McClure, who spent three winters on Banks Island, and the opening of the Northwest Passage. At the base was Lieutenant Creswell from the team of McClure, who arrived here, one might say, directly from the Bering Strait. Inglefield could not wait for Belcher, who had not yet returned from his march north along the Wellington Strait, and on August 23, taking Creswell with him, went home. 
In 1854, Inglefield again on the "Phoenix" made another voyage to the island of Beachy and took out part of the people from the teams of Belcher and McClure. 
Upon his return from the Arctic, Inglefield took an active part in the Crimean War. 
The ship under his command conducted military operations in the Black Sea, near the walls of Sevastopol and Odessa.


Cemetery Kensal Green

In subsequent years, Inglefield commanded ships in various regions, after receiving the rank of Rear Admiral in 1871, commanded a squadron, was part of the diplomatic mission in Washington. 
In 1885, with the rank of full admiral, he retired. In 1887 he was awarded the Order of the Bath of the Commander's Cross.

He died in London, buried in the cemetery Kensal Green. 
Coast of North-West Greenland. Opened in 1852 by E. Inglefield. 
Cape in the northwest of Greenland.

Cape northwest of the Melville Peninsula in the Strait of Fury and Hekla.

Glacier on Geer Land, West Spitsbergen Island. The coordinates are 77º 51.0'N   18° 00'E.

Morena on Geer Land, the island of Western Spitsbergen.Coordinates 77º 54.8'N  18° 15'E.

Mountains in the southeast of the Earth Ellesmere.

Bay on the west coast of Greenland. Opened in 1852 by E. Inglefield.

Bay on Geer Land, West Svalbard Island. Coordinates 77º 54.0'N  18° 22'E.


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