Ivanov Ivan Nikiforovich 

Navigator, hydrograph, explorer of the Arctic. 
He graduated from the navigator school. Until 1821, Ivanov served on various ships sailing in the Baltic, Northern, Mediterranean seas and in the Atlantic Ocean. In 1804, he participated in the siege of the fortresses of Kurtzola and Dubrovnik on the Adriatic Sea. 
The main business of Ivanov’s life was the hydrographic description of the shores of the Pechora and Kara seas from the mouth of the Pechora to Yamal, inclusive. It all started with the fact that in 1819, the Marine Ministry prescribed the Vice-Admiral A.F. Klokachev, Chief Commander of the Port of Arkhangelsk   equips a special expedition to measure the Pechora River. After an unsuccessful attempt to organize an expedition from local hydrographers from St. Petersburg, Ivanov was summoned, to whom Klokachev promised a reward if he "exactly executes instruction points regarding the said river in such a remote country located". Since Ivanov’s acceptance of this proposal, life has for a number of years presented him with severe tests of cold, hunger, physical overload and deadly risk, which he courageously and without recalciton overcame without demanding any awards. 
In February 1821, the expedition left Arkhangelsk and headed for Pustozersk on Pechora. One of Ivanov’s assistants was P.K. Pakhtusov, who in 12 years, thanks to the outstanding research of Novaya Zemlya, will receive much greater fame than his commander and teacher. Since 1824, another hydrograph N.M. Ragozin will join the works of the Pechora Expedition of Ivanov. 
Ivanov's work continued until 1829 inclusive. Starting from 1825, his young wife participated in all the campaigns with him. Unfortunately, the story did not preserve the name of this brave, selflessly devoted woman to her husband. Over these years, the coast of the Pechora Sea to the east of the Pechora estuary was laid on the map, the Pechora fairway was studied and marked, its banks were examined in the lower course, numerous small islets of the Pechora Sea, the island of Vaigach, the island of Kolguyev, Gulyaev cats, almost all were described. Bely Island, the Yamal Peninsula, the entire coast of the Ob Bay. It was not possible to describe the eastern coast of the southern island of Novaya Zemlya, since the Ivanov team, consisting of local Samoyed inhabitants, refused to go there. 
F.P. Litke, to whom the expedition was subjugated in 1824, in his report to the Admiralty Department noted Ivanov and his assistants: “Describing the ocean and islands in open karbas, lying deliberately at a distance from the mainland, they repeatedly subjected their lives to obvious danger, not to mention any kind of difficulties and shortcomings in everything, and finally in the food itself, which they had to endure from the very beginning to the very end of the expedition”. 
The results of the hydrographic works of Ivanov were used in the first Soviet batches drawn up during the development of the western section of the Northern Sea Route.
 In addition to hydrographic maps, Ivanov left the most interesting information about the fish wealth of the region, anchorage sites, as well as about the life, life and rituals of the local population, without whose help it would be impossible to fulfill the tasks assigned to it. For his writings he was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir, 4th degree,
In 1829, Ivanov returned to St. Petersburg and until 1846 sailed on the Baltic Sea, rising to the rank of Colonel
the naval navigator corps. 
Cape on the northeast coast of White Island in the Kara Sea. 
Named in 1826.


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