Zhandr Andrei Andreevich 

Actual Privy Councilor, Senator, Playwright Translator, Poet, Critic. 
Born in St. Petersburg in the family of Polish nobles. For a while his father was the chief political officer of St. Petersburg. 
After the death of his father, the family experienced considerable financial difficulties, and already at the age of 14,
Zhandr, who received a good home education, was forced to decide to serve by starting a simple copyist in the Committee of Petitions under the Senate. 
The career of a capable young man developed very successfully. During his lifetime,
Zhandr held numerous senior positions in various ministries and departments, including those of the Director of the Office of the Chief of the Main Naval Staff, the Director of the Office of the Maritime Ministry, the chairman of several commissions and committees on the Maritime Office, he was a member of the Senate, the Admiralty, the Black Sea Audit Commission. Zhandr was awarded a number of honorary Russian orders. Among his awards are also gold snuff boxes with diamonds and portraits of emperors, which he received in 1852 and 1856. 
No less significant is the other side of the activity of
Zhandr - the literary, which he enthusiastically and quite successfully engaged in his younger years. He communicated with many well-known writers and artists at the time, among whom were Griboedov, Pushkin, Zhukovsky, Vyazemsky, Kuchelbecker, Krylov, Ryleev, Odoyevsky, Grech, Bulgarin, Karatygin, Semenova and many others. Acquaintance with Griboyedov grew into a friendship. “I love him as a soul and regret it, Andrew is a noble, glorious and respectable fellow”, said so about Zhandr Griboedov. Thanks to Gandr, the original manuscript “Woe from Wit” and the most complete list from it were preserved. Gendre was one of the first to hear comedy in the reading of the author himself. 
Among the literary works of
Zhandr are numerous translations of plays and staging them in Petersburg theaters, which deserved praise from Griboyedov and Pushkin, a number of critical and polemical articles. Since 1829, the name of Zhandr in the literature does not occur. 
Zhandr was involved in the case of the Decembrists in 1826: he hid Prince A.I. Odoyevsky. During the interrogation, he frankly admitted to Nicholas I of intent to assist in the escape of his comrade and expressed confidence that the emperor in his place would have acted the same way. The answer came to the soul, and Zhandr was not subjected to any repression. 
He died in Petersburg and was buried at the Lazarevsky cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Monastery. The grave is not preserved. 
Cape in the south of the southern island of Novaya Zemlya. Named by P.K. 
Pakhtusov in 1833.


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