Jensen Adolf Severin (23.05.1866 - 29.08.1953) Danish zoologist and ichthyologist. Born in the town of Slangerup, 30 km north-west of Copenhagen. He studied mainly the Greenland fauna. They described the fish and mollusks collected in the Danish expedition "Ingolf" in 1895 around the Faroe Islands, Iceland and Greenland. In 1908 and 1909, Jensen led a scientific expedition aboard the Tjalf in the sea around Greenland. The results of this expedition were of great practical importance. One of its goals was to identify the potential problems of commercial fishing in Greenland. The findings were reported to the government of Denmark. Jensen oversaw the zoological museum of the University of Copenhagen, and during 1917-1937 was a professor of zoology at the university. Peninsula (Jensen Land) on the east coast of Greenland.
Strait (Adolf Jensen Fjord), washing the east coast of Nansen Land in northern Greenland. |