Ketlitz Reginald 
(23.12.1861 – January 1916)

English polar explorer, doctor, geologist. 
Born into a Protestant priest family, he was educated at Dover College and a medical degree at Guy's Hospital. After completing his studies, Ketlitz practiced several years in and around Dover, and in 1893 received an invitation as a doctor and geologist on the Jackson - Harmsworth expedition, which was sent to the Franz Josef Land Archipelago. As part of it, he shared with his comrades all the difficulties and deprivation of life and work in this inhospitable region. His excellent work on both posts was repeatedly noted in Jackson’s classic book Thousand Days in the Arctic, which, unfortunately, was never translated into Russian. 
Shortly after his return, Ketlitz accompanied H. Blundell on an expedition through Somalia and Abyssinia, where he conducted brilliant geological and anthropological studies, the results of which were later published. 
This was followed by a visit to the lower reaches of the Amazon, and then Ketlitz received an invitation to become a surgeon and a botanist on the expedition of Captain R. Scott at Discovery. And in this expedition his work was gratefully commended by the commander. The name of Ketlits in Antarctica is the name of a large glacier in the south of South Victoria, descending into the McMurdo Strait. 
Ketlitz's life was cut short early: he and his wife died of dysentery in Cradock in South Africa. 
For many years his grave was left without a decent tombstone and even an inscription.Only in 1923, Captain Charles Royds made an appeal to all who knew Ketlitz, to raise the necessary funds. It was necessary only 100 pounds. 
An island in the center of the archipelago Franz-Josef Land. Opened and named in 1895 by the expedition of F. Jackson.


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