Cyber Augustus Erich
Marine doctor and naturalist.
He was born in the town of Earl in Livonia, studied at the
University of Dorpat, and attended the course of medical sciences in
Berlin and Göttingen. In
1820 he received the degree of doctor of medicine.
In 1820–1824 Cyber
took part in the expedition of F.P. Wrangel to
the Arctic, for participation in which he was awarded the Order of St.
Vladimir of 4 degrees. In
the years 1825–1827
under the leadership of Wrangel made a
round-the-world voyage on the sloop "Meek". During
the expedition he collected cereals, historical and ethnographic
information about the inhabitants of Alaska and Kamchatka. His
scientific achievements were marked by the election in 1827 to
become a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
In 1828–1832 Cyber
sailed in the Mediterranean, participated in the blockade of the
Dardanelles. Subsequently,
he served in St. Petersburg, Kronstadt, Astrakhan and since 1854 in
Nikolaev. It
was the headquarters of the doctor of the Black Sea Fleet.
He died in Nikolaev.
Cape on
the northeast coast of Siberia to the east of the Chaun Bay. Called
by F.P. Wrangell
in 1823. |