Klaveness Anton Fredrik

(29.04.1874 - 05.11.1958)


A large Norwegian shipowner, a member of the Norwegian expeditions to Svalbard.

Born in Sandara in the family of shipowner Anton Fredrik Claveness (1839–1904) and Bert Marie Andersen (1845–1932).

In 1899, he married Teresa Hron (1875–1948). Their sons Anton Fredrik and Doug Klaveness continued the family shipping business.

Klavenes operated the shipping company AF Klaveness & Co. He was awarded the Order of St. Olaf, Vasa and the North Star.

His wife headed the conservation committee for the Nansen vessel, the "Fram". Her name R. Amundsen in 1919 called the bay on the coast of Taimyr west of the islands of Komsomolskaya Pravda.

He died in Burum.

Cape on Svalbard between the Hornsund and Belsund bays in the west of Nordenskiöld Land. The coordinates are 77° 10'N  14° 00'E.



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