Konov Wullert (16.08.1845 - 15.03.1924) Norwegian politician. Born in the suburb of Bergen in the estate of Fana, acquired by parents in 1842. His father was a writer and elected official, and his grandfather was a famous Danish poet and playwright. Konov studied at the city cathedral school. After graduating from university in 1864, he entered the Queen's University of Frederick in Christiania, where he began to study law, but did not finish his studies. In 1868, Konov founded a school where he was both a teacher and a leader until 1872. In 1873, Konov took over the management of the mill at Stand and expanded the estate by acquiring neighboring properties. Most of the time between 1880 and 1901. Konov headed the mayor of Fana, and in 1877-1879. entered parliament. In the years 1891-1893. he was Minister of the Interior, in 1898-1902. - Minister of Agriculture, in the years 1902-1903. - Minister of Audit, from 1910 to 1912 - Prime Minister of Norway, leading a coalition government uniting elements of two competing parties. His government proposed in 1910 to transfer the Nansen "Fram" to the disposal of the Gunnar Isaksen expedition to Svalbard. From 1913 to 1922 Konov was deputy member of the Norwegian Nobel Committee. He died in Fana. Buried at the local cemetery. Mountains in the center of Oscar II Land on the island of West Svalbard. The coordinates are 78° 33.0'N 13° 00.0'E. A glacier in the center of Oscar II Land on the island of Western Spitsbergen. The coordinates are 78° 36.0'N 12° 54.0'E. |