Korsakov Nikolai Fedorovich 

Hydrographer, researcher of the White Sea, Major General. 
Born in the Novgorod province in a noble family. He studied at the Naval Cadet Corps, began service in 1823 as a midshipman in the Baltic Fleet. During the years 1824–1825served on the frigate "Urania", and in 1826 on the frigate "Provorny", cruising in the German Sea. 
In 1827, Korsakov was transferred to the White Sea flotilla, in which he was led by M.F. Reinecke during the years 1827–1833 participated in the hydrographic work on the White Sea, doing surveying and inventory of the coast. Since 1831, he combined these works with the duties of adjutant of the Chief Commander of the Port of Arkhangelsk. 

The contribution of Korsakov to the organization of the lighthouse service on the coast of the White Sea is great. In 1848 he was appointed to the position of assistant captain of the Arkhangelsk port. During the summer navigation, he commanded the courts, which supervised the lighthouses and hydrographic work. 
In 1850, Korsakov was appointed head of the Admiralty Shershem plant. 
His merits are marked by the orders of St. Stanislav 2 degrees and St. Anna 2 and 3 degrees. 
Cape on the Rusanov Peninsula on the southern island of Novaya Zemlya. Named  by P.K. 
Pakhtusov in 1833.


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