Kosarev Alexander Vasilyevich 

Komsomol activist. 
Born in Moscow in a working class family. Educated in a two-year primary school. 
In 1912  Kosarev entered the zinc-tin plant. Already at a young age he joined the struggle against autocracy: in 1918 he joined the Komsomol, becoming one of its founders, in 1919 - in the
Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks). 
With the beginning of the Civil War, Kosarev volunteered to join the Red Army and participated in the defense of Petrograd. 
From 1921 until his last days, Kosarev was in responsible Komsomol work. Here is a list of Komsomol posts that he held: Secretary of the Bauman District Komsomol Committee in Moscow, Moscow-Narva District Committee in Leningrad, since 1924 Secretary of the Penza Provincial Committee of the Komsomol, in January-April 1926 Secretary of the Komsomol District Committee in Leningrad, in 1926–1929. 1st Secretary of the Moscow Committee of the Komsomol, simultaneously in 1926–1927 head of the Komsomol Central Committee, since 1928 secretary of the Komsomol Central Committee, since March 1929, secretary general of the Komsomol. In 1927–1930 Member of the Central Control Commission of the
All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks). On October 28, 1933, the Presidium of the  Central Executive Committee of the USSR awarded A.V. Kosarev Order of Lenin as "a proven leader of the Lenin Komsomol, an outstanding organizer of the Komsomol masses in their struggle under the leadership of the party for the victory of the five-year plan". 
Work on the Komsomol positions Kosarev combined with party activities. Since 1930, he is a member candidate, since 1934 - a member of the Central Committee of the
All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) and the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee. In 1938 he was elected deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. 
Kosarev was in the Komsomol indisputable authority, enjoyed wide popularity, being considered one of the most promising party leaders. At one time he was even considered a favorite by I.V. Stalin. At the Plenum of the Central Committee of the
All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) in February - March 1937, when discussing the issue of N.I. Bukharin and A.I. Rykov Kosarev spoke "for the exception, trial and execution". Surely he was sincerely convinced that he was right, he figured out everything only when he himself was repressed. In November 1938, he was removed from his post as 1st secretary and removed from the Central Committee "for gross violation of intra-Komsomol democracy, heartless-bureaucratic and hostile attitude towards honest workers of the Komsomol, patronage of morally corrupt, drunk, alien to the party and Komsomol elements". 
On November 29, 1938  arrest, torture during interrogation and the death sentence on February 22, 1939 for “anti-Soviet and terrorist activities”, carried out a week later, followed. 
Details of the last interrogation Kosarev told one of the investigators. Exhausted by endless mockery, realizing that the outcome was close, Kosarev could no longer and did not want to restrain his indignation: “You bastards, criminals, you are ruining Soviet power! All the same, answer for us, you bastards! ”It seemed that this hoarse, intermittent cry came to the last nooks and crannies of the Lefortovo prison. 
In 1954  Kosarev was rehabilitated, in 1989, when the mass withdrawal from the party began, he was reinstated in it.

The ashes were buried in Moscow, at the Donskoe Cemetery in the Mass grave No. 1, in which the ashes of M.N. Tukhachevsky, I.E. Yakir, V.K. Putna and many others. Next to her is the cenotaph of A.V. Kosarev, installed at the grave of his wife Naneishvili M.V. 
Peninsula on the island Komsomolets archipelago Severnaya Zemlya. 
At the suggestion of the Hydrographic Enterprise Ministry of the Navy of the USSR and the institute, the Soyuzimimproekt was named the Krasnoyarsk Regional Executive Committee in the 1970s.


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