Krasilshchikov Alexander Arkadevich 

Arctic geologist. 
Born in Leningrad. Difficult years of blockade survived in the besieged city. 
After graduating from the school with a gold medal, he entered the geological department of the Leningrad State Physics Institute, from which he was released in 1956 with a diploma of mining engineer-geologist and a specialty "geological survey and mineral exploration." It was this business that became the business of Krasilshchikov, he devoted all his scientific and production activities to him. He started with a geological survey as part of the Far Eastern expedition of VSEGEI, and from 1958 he moved to NIIGA and for the next 40 years he was engaged in the geology of the Arctic. No matter how the name of the organization changed in the following years, its core was the NIIGA team, and Krasilshchikov was one of its leading figures.He devoted four years to research in Eastern Siberia, on the basis of which, together with V.A. Vinogradov developed a new stratigraphic scheme of the Upper Precambrian of the Siberian Platform. References to this scheme are found in the geological literature to date. 
Since 1962, the main stage of Krasilshchikov’s activity began, continuing throughout his later life. He became a member of the Spitsbergen party, which had just been created, having passed through it from a geologist to a chief. Quickly enough Krasilshchikov became one of the leading experts on the geology of Spitsbergen, who had the highest authority not only in his homeland, but also abroad. 
Gradually, from the study of Spitsbergen proper, Krasilshchikov turned to the study of the geological structure of the Barents Sea. The map of the thickness of the sedimentary cover and the tectonic zoning of the basement made under his leadership formed the basis for large-scale geological and geophysical studies on the shelf of the Barents Sea, which led to the discovery of oil and gas fields, including the large Shtokman gas field. 
In 1969, Krasilshchikov defended his Ph.D. thesis, and in 1973 he published a monograph entitled “Stratigraphy and Paleotectonics of the Precambrian - Early Paleozoic Spitsbergen”, which was the first comprehensive work on the geology of the archipelago, published in the USSR. 
After 1975, for a number of years he explored the tectonics and oil and gas potential of the Norwegian-Greenland Basin, participated in sea voyages on the ships of the Academy of Sciences. 

Krasilshchikov was the editor of many collections and geological maps of the archipelago, including the “Spitsbergen Stratigraphic Dictionary”, was a member of the Norwegian Spitsbergen Stratigraphic Committee. 
He died after a serious illness in St. Petersburg. The urn with ashes is buried in the columbarium of the city crematorium. 
Mountain in the northwest of the island Northeastern Land of the Svalbard archipelago. 
Named in 2002 by the Norwegian Polar Institute as proposed by V. Dolman.


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