Krasnov Andrey Nikolaevich 
(27.10(08.11).1862–19.12.1914 (01.01.1915)

An outstanding Russian geographer and traveler. 
Born in St. Petersburg in the Don Cossack cultural family. 
After graduating from the course of the 1st St. Petersburg Gymnasium, Krasnov in 1881 entered the university at the Department of Natural Sciences of the Physics and Mathematics Department. He showed interest in scientific work already in the first years of university. He was a favorite student of prominent Russian scientists - botany A.N. Beketov and soil scientist V.V. Dokuchaeva. As a second-year student in the spring of 1882, Krasnov set out on an expedition to the southern part of the Tomsk province to collect plants, and in 1883, on behalf of the soil committee, he conducted geobotanical studies in the Nizhny Novgorod province. In 1884, he presented a work on botany "On the Origin of Black Soil", which was awarded a gold medal. 
In 1885, Krasnov graduated from a university course with a candidate degree and was left at the university to prepare for a professorship. 
His scientific work, however, took place far from Petersburg. For a number of years he traveled all over the world: he visited Asia several times, both in the Far East — China and Japan, and in the tropical and sub-tropical areas of the south — India, worked in Siberia, Central and Asia Minor, traveled in Australia, Polynesia, North and Central America, North Africa and Western Europe. Russia Krasnov traveled from the north to the extreme south and was a great connoisseur of its nature in both the north and Ukraine, and the Caucasus. In the end, he was drawn to his extreme south - Transcaucasia, the southern Black Sea coast. He believed that the most beautiful thing that he saw in the field of nature of our state was not even the Batumi coast, where he settled in the last years of his life, but the Zachorohsky land bordering with Turkey. There was hardly another Russian naturalist of his time, except, perhaps, A.I. Voeikov, who was equally familiar with the nature of various regions of the earth's surface. 
The whole scientific university life of Krasnov was held in Kharkov, where he was the first professor of geography at the university and created a scientific geographical institute. In Kharkov, he, along with teaching and research, led a great cultural work: he tried to create a botanical garden, gave a lot of effort to creating popular science courses for workers, read popular public lectures, published cultural and educational articles. 
In 1912, due to severe illness, this activity was beyond his power; he retired and in the consciousness of imminent death with indomitable energy used the rest of his life to implement his old idea: the creation in Russia of a large botanical garden amidst a subtropical nature. This garden should have not only a purely scientific value. According to Krasnov's plan, he was supposed to be an All-Russian educational institution — a living museum, where, without going outside the country, one can become acquainted with someone else’s southern Russian nature, and also become an experimental institution for introducing new cultures into the region of humid subtropics that are part of our state . Krasnov knew that his days were numbered, but he took this task upon himself and not only took it, but decided. He managed to find support and sympathy in government circles, in particular with the powerful A.V. Krivoshein, get the right place chosen by him near Batumi (65 acres), the necessary funds to start and build a botanical garden, which remained the best monument to him. He died in the midst of his work in connection with the garden and was buried there on the spot chosen by him, about which he wrote: “Make a clearing from my grave so that I can see the Chakva with the snowy mountains surrounding it, pieces of the sea; I first started working there; there, too, remained a part of my self ... ". 
A glacier descending to the unknown land on the Kara coast of the northern island of Novaya Zemlya. Named, most likely, the expedition A.A. 


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