Kremer Boris Alexandrovich 

Geographer, meteorologist, an outstanding Soviet explorer of the Arctic. He came to the Far North in the mid-1930s, captured by the romance of Arctic exploration, and belonged to that generation of polar explorers who followed the “greats”. 
Kremer was born in the Shchekinsky district of the Tula province in the village of Stara Kolpna. From his father, a teacher of mathematics and an agronomist, from his mother, a simple peasant, he inherited a love of nature and a craving for knowledge, deep moral principles, respect for work, kindness and responsiveness. Early lost his parents - his father and mother died in 1921. 
By the time of his meeting with the Arctic, he had time to work in the coal mine near Moscow, at the Moscow plant, on a geological expedition in the Crimea, at the Moscow Meteorological Observatory. Already adults in absentia graduated from high school. 
Kremer addicted to reading polar literature. His great idol was the great F. Nansen. It is no coincidence that in the spring of 1935 Kremer came to Glavsevmorput and soon went for the winter. His first mentor in the Arctic was the famous polar radio operator E.T. Krenkel. 
Their friendship lasted almost 40 years.

Kremer spent two years at the "Cape Olovyanny" polar stftion on the southeast coast of Fr. October Revolution architect. Severnaya Zemlya, a year and a half of them together with the radio operator A.A. Golubev. Two navigation in a row heavy ice did not allow ships to approach the station. The polar explorers, in need of food, refused the proposed evacuation by plane and continued their work, which was extremely necessary to ensure the hardest navigation of 1937. Only in the autumn of 1937, after the completion of navigation, did they agree to shut down the station and leave it. The polar explorers completely completed a very intensive research program; moreover, they carried out a very qualified selection of geological samples above it, which, upon return, transferred   for processing P.V. Wittenburg. Cremer and Golubev's data on the hydrological and ice regime of the Str. Shokalsky allowed to make an important practical conclusion that, if necessary, this strait may be a backup route for ships sailing the Northern Sea Route. In the process of this wintering, outstanding human qualities of Kremer and Golubev appeared: having spent side by side long 18 months in the hardest, extreme conditions, they remained good friends for the rest of their lives, essentially repeating the feat of Nansen and Johansen in this regard.


1935 Kremer (right) and Krenkel at Cape Olovyanny

In 1938–1940 Kremer led the team of the polar station "Tikhaya Cove" on Hooker Island in the Franz-Josef Land archipelago, earning there his first Order of the Badge of Honor and the title of Honorary Polar Explorer. He met the war on the northernmost point of Severnaya Zemlya Cape Arctic (Molotov). In August 1941, not having time to return to the mainland, on Dixon, Kremer received a new task: to go to the island Domashniy, where he, the mechanic I.I. Shentsov and radio operator V.N. Starlings were delivered by plane, which means without an adequate supply of fresh food, fuel, and personal belongings. The whole calculation was based on the stocks stored in the warehouse of the mothballed station. Instead of the half a year that was supposed to take place, at the very least, the year, the work lasted two years. There was already lack of old food and fuel stocks. Polar patients were sick with scurvy, from which in March 1943 Shentsov died. Left alone, Kremer and Skvortsov continued to conduct observations in full, suffering severely from illness, hunger, overwork. 
In 1944-1945 he worked at the polar station “Uelen” in Chukotka, in 1945–1946. - at the polar station "Cape Chelyuskin" on Taimyr, in 1947-1950. - at the Providence Bay polar station in Chukotka. 15 years of almost continuous wintering in the most difficult conditions of the prewar, military and postwar period. On whatever wintering Kremer was, he always knew how to create in the team a favorable moral climate, which, among other things, ensured the highest professional level of research. 
From the beginning of the 1950s, Kremer worked at Glavsevmorput, in the USSR Hydrometeorological Service. His life was filled with all the same polar stations, remaining his main affection and love. In 1968, he retired, but his active Arctic activities not only did not cease, but acquired new bright colors. He collected a unique filing cabinet in which there was literally “everything” about the Arctic, and a no less unique polar library. The combination of encyclopedic knowledge of the geography of the Arctic and the history of its development with a magnificent literary gift allowed him to write profound and interesting articles about the study of the Arctic, the history of the conquest of the North Pole, the polar stations, and outstanding polar researchers, many of whom were his friends. In recent years, he has written articles for various encyclopedic publications. To all these qualities, remarkable human traits of his character were added: kindness, cordiality, responsiveness, courage, modesty, respect for the opinions of others, the ability to admit mistakes. 
Kremer died in Moscow.
 According to the testament, the urn with its ashes was buried on Severnaya Zemlya, on the house Domashny, next to the burial of G.A.UshakovThe words “Fight and search” are carved on the tombstone. 
Cape on the island of the October Revolution to the south of Cape Olovyanny. 
The name is presented by the Hydrometeorological Service of the USSR and the State Enterprise of the Ministry of Finance, approved on June 16, 1976 by a decision of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Executive Committee.


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