Kremer Oskar Karlovich 
(07.05.1829 - 28.08.1904)

Russian admiral, member of the Sevastopol defense 
Born in Finland. He was educated in the Alexander and the Naval Cadet Corps. In 1844 he was released into midshipmen, in 1846 he received the first officer's rank. 
Until 1853, Kremer sailed in the Baltic Sea, then was transferred to the 9th naval crew in the Black Sea Fleet. For participation in the frigate "Mesemvriya" in the capture of the fortification of St. Nicholas occupied by the Turks on the Caucasian coast, he was awarded the highest favor. 
In 1854 - 1856 Kremer was in the garrison of Sevastopol, first on bastion No. 3, and then as commandant of the Volyn redoubt. On the 3rd bastion, when the powder cellar exploded, he was wounded in the chest and back, and on the Volyn Redoubt he was wounded by shrapnel in his legs. For extinguishing with danger to the life of the fire in the powder magazine on May 11, 1855 he was awarded the Order of St. George 4 degrees; in addition, for the Sevastopol defense, he was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir, 4 degrees with a bow and St. Anna, 3 degrees with a bow. 
At the end of the Crimean War, Kremer served in the 5th naval crew on the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, where he commanded many ships. 
On the Varyag corvette, he went to Novaya Zemlya and to the shores of Iceland; in 1863, he participated in the party headed by Admiral S.S..Lesovsky expeditions of the Russian fleet to the shores of North America , on the frigate Svetlana circled around the Cape of Good Hope, on the frigates Oslyabya and Alexander Nevsky cruised in the Archipelago. On returning to Kronstadt, the Alexander Nevsky crashed off the coast of Jutland. The court found Kremer guilty of losing the frigate, but this did not affect his career. 
For committing many maritime campaigns, he was awarded the Order of St. Stanislav 2 degrees and St. Anne 2 degrees with swords and the imperial crown.


An old cross on Kremer Island

(photo by IM Epihin Arctic marine complex expedition, 1993)

Kremer held responsible military, administrative, public and state posts. He was aide-de-camp, flag-captain of His Majesty, was a member of the Sovereign Suite, worked in the Marine Ministry, for a long time headed the Main Naval Headquarters, in 1896 became a member of the State Council, from 1898 to 1903. He was chairman of the General Directorate of the Russian Red Cross Society. Kremer chaired relief committees for earthquake victims in Shemakha and Andijan. In June 1901, he initiated the preparation of a law on pensions to sisters of mercy. 
Kremer combined his service in the admiral ranks with sailing. He was the flag captain of His Majesty on the royal yachts, in 1879 he commanded a detachment of ships off the coast of Greece, and in 1896 a practical squadron of the Black Sea. 
He died at the Pekalla-Villeula estate in Finland, and was buried in Helsingfors (Hiataniemi Semetery, Helsinki, Finland). 
The island off the northeastern coast of the Gribovaya Bay in the west of the southern island of Novaya Zemlya. Named in 1889, by  officers of the schooner "Bakan".


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