Krotov Vasily Andreevich 

Naval officer, lieutenant, arctic explorer. 
At the end of the Marine Corps in 1821–1826. sailed on the Baltic Sea, in 1827 to the shores of England. In 1828–1830, commanding the schooner No. 2, was engaged in the inventory of the White Sea. In 1832, Krotov was appointed commander of the "Yenisei" vessel, which was to pass from Arkhangelsk through the Strait. Matochkin Shar to the mouth of the Yenisei. During this transition, the ship was killed with the whole crew under unclear circumstances off the west coast of Novaya Zemlya in the Matochkin Shar area. 
In 1834, fodder I.Y. Gvozdarev and in 1835 P.K. Pakhtusov found fragments of the "Yenisei" scattered in different places on the bank of the New Earth. 
Bay south of Litke Bay in the east of the southern island of Novaya Zemlya. Apparently discovered by the expedition of Pakhtusov in 1832–1833. Described by Soviet hydrographs no later than 1937 and mapped as "Gulf without a name". 
Rechka (Big Krotov and Malaya Krotova) on the east coast of the southern island of Novaya Zemlya south of the hall. Litke. Opened and mapped in July 1833 by the expedition of Pakhtusov. 
Strait between the island of Mityushev and the western coast of the northern island of New Earth. Named
in 1925 by commission chaired by N.I. Yevgenov.


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