Lappo Sergey Dmitrievich 

Russian naval sailor, hydrograph, arctic explorer. 
Born in a family of teachers from Krasnoyarsk. His father, who graduated from Kazan University, came to Siberia for participating in student riots.This circumstance very complicated the life of the young man who decided to enter the elite noble educational institution, which trained officers for the military fleet - the Imperial Naval Corps. Nevertheless, he succeeded, and in 1916, at the height of the First World War, the young midshipman Lappo was assigned to the battleship Tsesarevich. This was the last edition of the Marine Corps. 
The “Tsesarevich” battleship is one of the honored ships of the Russian fleet, famous in the years of the Russian-Japanese war. On this ship, at the Moonsund cliffs, the young midshipman was baptized in battle. 
After the revolution, many surviving officers of the fleet left their homeland forever, but Lappo stayed in Russia without thinking. Even during the fighting at Ezel, he met the famous B.A. Vilkitsky, and this acquaintance largely determined his fate. He decided to devote his life to the Arctic. 
In 1920, Lappo took part in the Siberian Bread Expedition, the purpose of which was to deliver food from Siberia to the northern regions of Pomorye. It was reloaded from river vessels to sea vessels that came from Arkhangelsk in the Ob Bay in an unequipped bay, with shallow and open winds. The crews of the steamer "Orlik" and the barge "Pur", which was part of the Ob Hydrographic Party, were assigned to search for a more suitable place. The group was headed by an experienced polar navigator A.I. Osipov, under whose leadership Lappo began his long service in the Arctic. Small fragile craft with the risk of being thrown on stones managed to carry out hydrographic work and find a fairly spacious and deep bay protected from the sea. The new reloading place was named New Port. However, three years passed before the moment when the New Port was able to receive the ocean-going steamer. All this time, Lappo and his comrades in the hydrographic detachment provided measurements of construction work. 
Shortly thereafter, Lappo became an assistant to the head of the Kara expeditions, then conducted hydrographic work in the Gydan Bay and in the construction of ports in Igarka and Tiksi, in 1933 headed the hydrological detachment of the Leno-Khatanga expedition on the Pioner motorboat, which conducted valuable observations in the Northvik Bay, Khatanga Bay and the Lena Delta. 
In 1936, Lappo supervised the hydrographic work on the “political owner” schooner off the east coast of Novaya Zemlya. The studies carried out by this expedition are by their significance on a par with the studies of P.K. Pakhtusov, V.A. Rusanov, R. L. Samoylovich. Many kilometers of the eastern coast of the northern island of Novaya Zemlya, islands, straits, bays were put on the map. One of the bays was named after this glorious little boat. Unfortunately, the flight of the "Politotdelitsa" was the only one. In the winter of 1937, he hit the rocks near Kolguev Island. 
Since 1938, Lappo began his work at the Arctic Institute, where he headed the "service of ice and weather". He published several dozens of scientific papers; during the war years he defended his PhD thesis, in which he developed a new method for predicting ice cover based on autumn meteorological signs. But, of course, not only science occupied Lappo in difficult wartime.
 He worked at the headquarters of the naval installations of the Northern Sea Route, providing naval troop transports and warships in the warring North. 
After the war, during 1946–1957 Lappo participated in the ice reconnaissance. After moving to Moscow, he completely switched to scientific work: he became a professor, a lecturer at Moscow University, the chairman of the hydrological commission of the Geographical Society of the USSR, the editor of the scientific collections "Oceans and the Sea" and "World Ocean".

He died in Moscow, buried in the Pyatnitsky cemetery. 
The peninsula in the Laptev Sea on the Taimyr Peninsula and the cape north of Pronchishcheva Bay on Taimyr. Named at the suggestion of the Khatanga hydro base, the Khatanga district council and the Hydrographic Enterprise of the Ministry of the Marine Fleet. The names were approved by a decision of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Executive Committee of March 2, 1973.

Cape in the north-west of the Small Begichev island in the Laptev Sea.


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