Lavrov Boris Vasilyevich 

Soviet explorer of the Arctic, the organizer of the Arctic expeditions, one of the leaders of Glavsemorputi. 
Born in the village of Fedoritsky, Rybinsk district, Yaroslavl province, in the family of a priest. He graduated from the seminary, studied at St. Petersburg University. The study was interrupted by the revolution of 1905, for the participation in which Lavrov was exiled to the Arkhangelsk province. 
During the civil war, Lavrov conducted underground work in Odessa, occupied by the interventionists and White Guards, and was food commissioner in Vyatka. After the war, he worked in the People's Commissariat of Food, headed the offices of Voentorg in Central Asia, in the North Caucasus, was the trade representative of the USSR in Afghanistan. 
In 1928, Lavrov headed the Komseverput Joint-Stock Company, and from that moment his life was entirely connected with the Arctic. His first, and perhaps the main thing was the laying and construction of the port of Igarka. Subordinates quickly believed in him, recognized him as their leader. And how could it not be believed, if with rafts of the Angarsk forest he walked through stormy rapids like an ordinary rafter, he was the chairman of Komseveroputi, if he first appeared on volunteers for loading export timber to the unfinished Igarki moorings from early frosts. Lavrov's role is great in that soon Igarka was recognized as a "Siberian window to Europe". 
In the early 1930s, when the task arose of laying the Northern Sea Route from the White Sea to the Bering Strait, one of the first steps in solving the problem was entrusted to Lavrov. In 1933, he headed the First Lena Expedition, the vessels of which Volodarsky, Pravda, and Comrade Stalin delivered for the first time cargo for Yakutia from Arkhangelsk. A powerful tugboat “The First Five Year Plan” came to Lena with a caravan. On the steamer "Comrade Stalin" a detachment of the Leno-Khatanga expedition was delivered, which was to lay the port and the village of Tiksi. On the way back from Tiksi, powerful ice stopped the expedition's caravan near the Vilkitsky Strait. Lavrov released the icebreaker "Krasin", so necessary for the Leningrad port in the coming winter, and with three transports he began to hibernate off the desert islands of Samuel (later they were renamed the islands of Komsomolskaya Pravda). 


Icebreaker "Krasin"

During the winter, Lavrov organized an air reconnaissance of ice from a small U-2 airplane on the expedition, the pilot of which was the wonderful polar pilot Mauno Lindel Linovich. Lavrov knew that a new navigation was approaching, after the First the Second Lena Expedition would come; a cross-cutting flight along the entire Northern Sea Route, which failed the dead Chelyuskin, is to be carried out by an ice-cutter “F. Litke". Information on the spring state of the ice near Taimyr and in the Northern Lands Straits is very useful for the seamen. In addition, for the second year on the island of Domashny, they were waiting for a steamer with a shift for the second year. 


Ice cutter "Litke"

One hour and twenty minutes after takeoff from Cape Chelyuskin, when the Vilnitsky Strait and the Bolshevik Island were left behind, Lindel heard a knock on the engine.Turned it off, planned to Cape Gamarnik (since 1937 Cape Medny) in the south-west of the island of the October Revolution. The plane was buried deep in the sleet.Failure of one of the engine cylinders did not leave any hope of continuing the flight. It was possible to move to inhabited land only on foot. To Domashny Island in a straight line, by air, there were about a hundred and fifty kilometers. On the fifteenth day of June 27, Lavrov and Lindel, overgrown with beards, dirty and torn, with eyes swollen, half-blind from the bright sun, approached the log cabin on Domashniy Island. 
For this expedition, Lavrov was awarded the Order of Lenin. 
Becoming a member of the board of Glavsevmorput, Lavrov headed the department for the development of the economy and culture of the peoples of the North. Then he was the creator and leader of the large geological trust NORDVIKSTROY, which developed the wealth of the Khatanga Bay. On his initiative, a mine was built at Kotau to produce high-quality coal. In 1936, on the initiative of Lavrov and with his direct participation in Khatanga, the tugboat Igarets with the cargo for the Khatanga region came from the sea with a 500-ton barge, thereby initiating navigation on this polar river. Later he headed the economic institute in Novosibirsk, dealing with the problems of the North. 
The life line went up, the potential of Lavrov was huge, the Motherland could get a lot from this person, but she disposed of it in her own way. In 1939, Lavrov was arrested.The archives of the NKVD preserved the following information: 
“Lavrov …… .in the years of the imperialist war (1914–1918), after leaving the RSDRP (b), he joined the bourgeois“ union of zemstvos and cities”; in 1920 he was in the RSDRP (m) independent, in the same 1920 he joined the VKP (b). In 1939 it was expelled from the VKP (b) for non-compliance with a government decree. In 1919 he was arrested in  Odessa counter by white intelligence. Before arrest worked
as the head of the Trust "Nordvikstroy" Glavsevmorput. 
Arrested on 9/8/1939. Charge brought on 08/22/1939 under art. 58-11 and 58-7 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR. Member of the anti-Soviet right-Trotskyist organization.Recruited by the enemy of the people UGLANOVY N.A. (Condemned by the Navy) in 1935. In 1936 he established contact with the head of the right-Trotskyist organization that existed in the Glavsevmorput - BERGAVINOV, on whose instructions he carried out sabotage at the Nordvikstroy trust to disrupt the government’s salt and oil prospecting mission, spending 43 million rubles without result and causing 15–15 losses. 16 million rubles. 
Working in Kozhevnikov Bay in 1936, he established an organizational relationship with a member of the right-Trotskyite organization STABROVSKIM V.А. (arrested) and supervised wrecking work. 
In 1937, he recruited Hans Demianovich (arrested) into the organization of ALLER. 
Exposed testimony UGLANOV N.A. (convicted to
capital punishment), BAEVSKIY I.L. (Condemned to capital punishment), DUBININ A.A. (arrested), N.N. URVANTSEV (arrested), SERKIN I.O. (arrested); examination conclusion and the testimony of witnesses LUGINETS N.P., SAMOKHIN S.A., RYBIN F.S., PONOMAREV V.M., VASILIEV F.Z., DMITRIEV R.S., IVLIEV V.N. and STRUKOV V.G.". 
June 27, 1937 - the day of arrival on  Domashny Island Lavrov marked as the date of his rebirth. He told his friends: "In this situation, I should live no less than a hundred years". 
Lavrov died in prison, before he was 56 years old. 
Bay in the Laptev Sea on the Taimyr Peninsula. The name was given in 1972 by the Khatanga district executive committee at the suggestion of the Hydrographic Enterprise of the Ministry of the Navy and the Khatanga hydro base. 
Approved by the decision of the Krasnoyarsk regional executive committee of March 2, 1973.


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