Leikin Boris Izrailevich 

Arctic hydrograph, honorary polar explorer. 
Born in the town of Snovsk, Chernihiv region, after graduating from the seven-year-plan he came to Leningrad, where he worked as an electrician in various organizations. 
In 1934  Leikin graduated from the Workers' Faculty at the Leningrad Refrigeration Institute, then a hydrographic course, and in 1935 he was sent as a hydrograph technician to the Malygin unit. 
The following year  Leikin continued his studies, enrolling at the Hydrographic Institute. While still a student, he participated in the expeditions of 
Glavsevmorput as a hydrograph technician, junior hydrograph, hydrograph, assistant captain. 
After graduating from the institute in 1940  Leykina was seconded to the
During the war  he conducted hydrographic work on the ships  "Vihr", "Nord", "Iceberg". In 1953  Leikin opened polar stations in Bungee Land and New Siberia. On his account there is a geographical discovery, the last in the Arctic. In 1941  he and the hydrographer S.I. Skvortsov saw a small island between the mouths of the Lena and Khatanga, which was marked on the maps of PS and S. S. - “the situation is doubtful” and “existence is doubtful”. In 1945  working on the Iceberg hydrographic ship, Leikin again found this islet and approached it on a boat. Its length was more than two kilometers, low, composed of washed sand. Hence the name given to him Sandy. 
When the technical renewal of polar hydrography began, Leikin led a large sea expedition on the “Yana” hydrographic ship. In place of the old fishing vessels, somehow adapted for gauging, new specialized hydrographic vessels have come, modern radio navigation systems have been introduced into production. 
In recent years  Leikin supervised the processing of materials, was the chief hydrograph of Polar Hydrography. The merits of Leykin are marked by the medal "For Labor Valor". 
He died in Leningrad, buried in the Jewish cemetery. 
An island in the Laptev Sea northwest of the Lena Delta. 
The original name Osushnoy was changed in 1978 by the decision of the Council of Ministers of the Yakut ASSR.


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