Littrov Joseph Andreevich (Antonovich) (Joseph Johann) 

Austrian astronomer. 
Born in Bischof Teinitz (Bohemia). 
In 1799–1803 He studied at the Charles University in Prague. In 1806–1807 worked as a freelance astronomer at the Vienna Observatory, in 1807 he was invited to the University of Krakow, where he headed the Department of Astronomy and the Observatory for two years. 
In 1809  Littrov moved to Russia. From 1810 he became a professor at Kazan University, where in 1814 a small university observatory was built under his leadership. His students were N.I. Lobachevsky and I.M. Simonov. In 1813, Littrov was elected a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 1816 he returned to Austria, worked at the observatory in Ofen, from 1819 until the end of his life served as director of the Vienna Observatory.
Littrov was one of the most versatile astronomers of the first half of the XIX century. His scientific work is devoted to astrometry and celestial mechanics.He conducted systematic observations of large and small planets, comets and meteors. He wrote the course "Theoretical and practical astronomy", was an outstanding popularizer of astronomy. His essay The Secrets of Heaven (1834–1836), the best and most complete popular exposition of astronomy for its time, was reprinted several times. In 1902–1904 it has been translated into Russian. 
He died in Vienna.

Peninsula in the southeast of Gall Island in the archipelago of Franz-Josef Land. Named in 1874, by Yu. Payer. 
Cape on the island of Western Svalbard in the Straitunet Strait.


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