Lyakhov Ivan 
(died in 1800)

Yakut industrialist. 
In 1770  Lyakhov visited the islands discovered by M. Vagin north of the mouth of the Yana. By this time, other industrialists also visited them, in particular, the Yakut of Etherian, which Lyakhov did not know about. Pursuing polar fox fishing in the area of Cape Holy Nose, he saw herds of deer moving to the mainland from the north, which prompted him to the idea of  the existence of land in the north. Having visited the islands and found there large accumulations of mammoth bones, Lyakhov obtained from Catherine II a monopoly of the occupation of them. The king’s decree gave the islands his name. In 1773  having been there again, he moved north and reached an unknown mountainous land, thus opening the Kotelny Island. 
On all these islands, Lyakhov set up winter quarters and several camps (huts for overnight stays), and for many years there was engaged in successful fishing for the beast and mammoth bone.


Lyakhovsky islands and island Stolbovoy

(space image, June 2002)

In recent years, the aged Lyakhov lived in Yakutsk.


Big Lyakhovsky Island

(photo by N.M. Stolbov)

Cape Kigilyakh

(photo by N.M. Stolbov)

Island Big Lyakhovsky. Amy-Tas Mountain

(photo by N.M. Stolbov)

Geologist N.M. Stolbov/ The pillars on the background of Bolshoi Lyakhovsky ball lavas

(photo by E.A. Korago)

Islands (Big and Small Lyakhovsky), part of the archipelago of the Novosibirsk Islands. The name received on the "highest" statement of Catherine II.


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