Lodochnikov Vladimir (Vartan) Nikitovich 

An outstanding Soviet geologist and petrographer.

Born in Georgiyevsk now Stavropol Territory in the family of a wealthy merchant. By the time his son entered the gymnasium, his father went bankrupt, and the boy from the second grade was studying for a guardianship scholarship established for poor Armenians. After completing his studies at the gymnasium with a gold medal, Lodochnikov entered the St. Petersburg Mining Institute, which he graduated from in 1916 with entering the gold board.He began scientific and pedagogical work as a student.

In 1918  Lodochnikov became a member of Geolkom, all his subsequent scientific activities proceeded within the walls of this institution. For many years he combined this work with a professorship at the Mining Institute. He was very proud to have studied and taught at this institute, which brought up a whole galaxy of prominent Russian geologists. Also, his pride was service in Geolkom, "one of the first-class geological institutions of the Earth".

Lodochnikov carried out geological studies in Altai, in the Eastern Sayan, in the Caucasus, in the Voronezh region. His main work is related to the methods of studying rock-forming minerals, as well as serpentinites and related rocks. He considered various issues of petrogenesis, in particular, he formulated the empirical "rule of polarity" of postmagmatic processes. Published by Lodochnikov in 1924–1926 methods of image composition of multicomponent systems still have not lost their value.

An outstanding work by Lodochnikov is the monograph “Serpentines and Serpentinites Ilchirsky and other and petrological issues related to them”. He also wrote a series of articles on the problems of basaltic magma, in which he demonstrated his great erudition on these issues, often going beyond them.

Of particular value were textbooks developed by Lodochnikov. They were not a simple compilation, a summary of already known information. In them  readers found a lot of new, developed by the author. Such are his "Fundamentals of Microscopic Methods for Studying Crystalline Matter", "Major Rock-Forming Minerals", "Petrology for Nonspecialists".

Lodochnikov led a huge social work. His cherished dream was the creation of a special Central Institute for consultation and retraining of geologists working in industry and in geological departments. The contribution of Lodochnikov to the work of the All-Russian Mineralogical Society, of which he joined in 1918, is great.

Lodochnikov was a widely educated person interested in various areas of knowledge.

After the start of the war in the fall of 1941, the Lodochnikov family was evacuated to Kislovodsk, but in 1942 the Germans came here. A serious illness that plagued the scientist in August prevented secondary evacuation. All this had a tragic effect on his condition and led to a premature demise. He has measures of exhaustion in the city of Kislovodsk on the second day after the liberation of the city.

Plateau on Taimyr to the west of the Faddey gulf. Named  by the Soviet geologist M.G. Ravych in 1947.


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