Lockwood James 

American infantry officer, arctic explorer. 
Born in Annapolis, his father was a professor of mathematics at the Naval Academy. He graduated from Lockwood in a private school and at St. Jones College in Annapolis. Part of his labor education was some experience in agricultural activities, serving on the railway. After completing his studies in 1873, he was promoted to second lieutenant in the 23rd Infantry Regiment of the US Army. For seven years he served in this position in the West, at the same time cultivating himself in the phonography and telegraph service. Overwhelmed with a passion for travel and adventure, wanting to replenish his knowledge in areas unknown to him before this activity, Lockwood joined the expedition of A. Greeley. It was organized by the US government for Arctic research in the framework of the I International Polar Year. Lockwood’s duties as Deputy Greeley included, first and foremost, sleigh trips to geographically explore the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, as well as magnetic observations. Lockwood accounted for the winter, during the polar night, when the sun did not rise above the horizon, and the air temperature was 30–35° below zero, to go on many days hiking and skiing and dog sledding. In March 1882  he crossed the Robson Strait, on 3 April he reached Cape Bryant, and in May, as part of a small group, the coordinates were 83° 24 30N and 40° 46 30W, the northernmost point on the land  and the sea reached at that time by man. Proud of his country, Lockwood unfolded a small silk flag on a high place. The lack of food did not allow Lockwood to go further to the north or to take a description of the coast. He turned back and arrived at Fort Conger on June 17, having spent 60 days on a campaign and covering a distance of 1,069 hardest arctic miles during this time. Lockwood and his fellow Sergeant Brianard put 125 miles of unexplored coastline on the map. 
In the subsequent harsh winter, when the whole expedition suffered from a lack of food, Lockwood began to weaken. Although he held steadfastly, weakened by harsh hikes, the body could not stand the cold and hunger. Lockwood died on April 9 at Cape Sabin under the arctic sky. This happened 75 days before the arrival of the rescue expedition. The following posthumous words are devoted in the diary of Greeley Lockwood: “Lockwood was a valiant officer, brave, loyal, reliable. Courage and gentleness were the most prominent traits of his character; modest and discreet by nature, he did not soon converge with people, but his personal qualities invariably inspired respect.It is precisely these qualities, and not at all luck, that the great successes achieved by them must be attributed. 
His name will remain unforgettable in the history of the Arctic ... ".


Memorial plaque on  Pim Island in honor of the dead members of the expedition Greeley

(Photo from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pim_Island)

Lockwood was buried in a uniform in a deserted place called the Cemetery Range. His comrades did not even have the strength to close the body from the light. 
Upon returning to the States, the body of the brave Lockwood found its final place in the land of the cemetery of the Naval Academy on the bank of the Potomac. 
Islands in the bay Maude on the northern coast of Taimyr. It was first discovered in 1742 by S. Chelyuskin, named in 1893 F. Nansen. 
Islands in the Lincoln Sea northwest of Greenland.

An island in the Lincoln Sea northwest of Greenland.

Cape at the confluence of the Grilifjord and Canyonfjord bays on the island of Ellesmere in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.

A mountain in the north of the Fozheim peninsula on the island of Ellesmere.

Hills in Alaska.


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