Losev Valery Mikhailovich
hydrologist, an outstanding ice reconnaissance specialist.
Born in the village of Ileshi, Volosovsky District, Leningrad
Region. His
parents were agronomists, working in state farms, first in the
Leningrad Region, and from 1938 in the Novgorod Region, where the
family moved, settling in the city of Valdai.
The war forced Losev to evacuate to the city of Achinsk,
Krasnoyarsk Territory. Parents
continued to work as agronomists at the state farm of the defense
plant No. 703, which produced mortars, and in 1942 his father
volunteered for the front, returning only in 1946.
From the evacuation, the family returned to the Volosovsky
district. In
1950 Losev graduated from the seven-year school and entered the
Leningrad Medical School, but medicine was not his business. A
year later, in the footsteps of his older brother, he moved to the
Leningrad Arctic School, which he graduated in 1956 with a degree in
hydrometeorology. From
this point on, his whole life was connected with the Arctic.
First there was work on Svalbard, then in
Arctic Research Division on Dixon as part
of the aerometeorological group. The
specialty of the aerologist was liked by Losev, but he lacked
something in it. It
was not enough for routine academic work. He
read a lot about Arctic shipping, in the implementation of which one
has to constantly and efficiently make decisions that ensure the
safest and most successful navigation. In
the winter of 1958 Losev managed to move to the scientific and
operational department of the
Arctic Research Division, where, prior to the start of
navigation in 1959, he studied the techniques of ice aerial surveys,
i.e. in
fact, he mastered a new specialty, turning from an aerologue into an
iceman. Then
there were ice scout courses at the
Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute
(AARI) and already in May 1959
under the supervision of experienced instructors, he participated in
ice reconnaissance in the Arctic. He
did this in all the following years, gaining his own experience,
learning from the experience of his elder comrades.
Life has shown that Losev was born for this work, which requires
extensive knowledge of all that relates to the Arctic ice, excellent
visual memory, great analytical skills, instant reaction, belief in
yourself and, of course, remarkable physical health. Losev
had it all. He
quickly became one of the best ice scouts. There
are very significant words in his job description: “he enjoys great
prestige among .... polar
aviation pilots and sailors". These
words are worth a lot. It
is extremely difficult to win credibility with polar pilots and
sailors, each of whom is his own authority.
In 1975 Losev decided to leave the AARI. He
was invited to the first crew of the nuclear icebreaker
"Arktika". Here
is the assessment given to him by the captain of the “Arctic” Yu.S. Kuchiev:
“Losev V.M. -
one of the best hydrolologists AARI. His
agreement to work
is an event of great
importance, because the presence of such a high qualification on the
icebreaker hydrologist is a guaranteed success of escorting ships in
the optimal way. I
ask you to give an instruction to speed up the clearance of Comrade Losev
All subsequent years the work of Losev was associated with the
Murmansk Shipping Company. Thanks
to his professional skills, he became a legendary person in the
Arctic. Let
us cite the words of one of the leaders of the FSUE “Atomflot” N.G. Babich,
who successfully started his career with an ice reconnaissance
aircraft: “Imagine a situation - the plane rushes at an altitude of
100 meters. IL-14
per minute flies 4 kilometers. Hydrologist
clung to the window. He
must remember everything that he sees below, in the smallest detail. At
the same time, his brain analyzes what he saw. At
the same time, the hydrologist must draw a map of ice fields. And
so for several hours.The stress is crazy. A
person must initially possess phenomenal natural data - memory, a
sharp eye gauge, he must be an analyst, a mathematician, an
astronomer, a cartographer and a first-class aviation navigator. Determining
the location of the aircraft with the hydrologists was often more
accurate than that of the standard aircraft navigators. In
Losev, this was brought to perfection - he felt the speed of the
plane up to one kilometer, a turn - to a degree and took up the
calculations only to determine the wind demolition of the car. And
if there was no wind, then he could simply poke a finger into the
map and say: "We are here." The
words of Babich “felt the speed, felt the turn” are indicative. This
"felt" does not come with experience, is not acquired by training,
it is either there or it is not. This
is a talent, it is given from above.
Here is another impression of Babich: “... I met Valery
Mikhailovich in person only in 1983 in Pevek. Then
there was a very difficult situation. One
transport was covered with ice and died, and another 29 were
preparing for the winter. I
was sent on a business trip, including so that I could substitute,
if necessary, Losev. When
I told him about this, I heard: "This will not happen." I
really wanted him to take me flying. Barely
persuaded. Then
they flew by helicopters. We
fly. And
we flew far - 100 miles. We agreed in advance that after the flight
we would compare our observations. I
have prepared a tool, a map. And
here I see that Losev does not write anything down. Just
sitting next to the pilot and looking around. Sometimes
he made a hand sign to him, and the pilot turned the car to the
right place. Here
it must be said that the pilots were schooled by Losev. He
was the commander on board, not the pilot. Well,
we flew so several hours, we return to the icebreaker. We
rise to the bridge. In
complete silence, all those who stood at the navigational table
parted in front of Losev, freeing him of the passage. He
passed like a king. I
looked at the map, picked up a pencil and in a few minutes drew the
entire ice situation. And
at the same time and the course of the icebreaker. The
captain gave a hint: “Valery Mikhailovich, why can't we get through
here?” - “Why am I flying? You
will go where I say! And
only so!". -
"Yes, yes, Valery Mikhailovich, we will do as you say." I
was stunned.
Losev creatively treated the improvement of ice aerial
reconnaissance, was interested in the development of new means of
collecting ice information. He
took part in the tests created in one of the scientific research
institute of the radar measuring the thickness of ice from an
airplane. I
checked the thickness of the ice, fixed by the device with the data
of the polar stations and with its estimates of the age of the ice,
estimated the errors of the thickness gauge, due to a number of
factors, especially the ice content of the ice and its salinity. On
this basis, made recommendations on fine-tuning the thickness gauge. He
also made a number of proposals to make the device of such a
constructive form that would allow to use it conveniently during the
execution of ice reconnaissance. V.M.
Losev was awarded the State
Prize as a member of
a group of specialists engaged in the development and testing of the
device, and had other state awards. A
year before his death, he was
awarded the Order
of Courage.
Losev was one of the first to start ice reconnaissance at dusk
and during the polar night. He
argued that, having such icebreakers, it is possible to conduct
Arctic navigation all year round. The
only thing that, in his opinion, was lacking was a reliable
helicopter for ice reconnaissance, equipped with radar, searchlight,
and other necessary radio navigation aids for flying in the
conditions of night and bad weather at a distance of tens and
hundreds of miles from the native icebreaker.
This weak link in the ice reconnaissance process
played a fatal role in its fate.
Memorial cross at Cape Hydrolog Losev. Established on
June 22, 2005
seamen of the icebreaker "Vladimir Ignatyuk" of the
Murmansk Shipping Company. |
In March 1999 the nuclear-powered icebreaker “Russia”, on which
Losev worked, carried out planned piloting from the east to the west
of the Latvian tanker “Samburgh”.The tanker delivered fuel to the
port of Dudinka and was to return to Murmansk. The
route passed through the passage. Ugra
Ball. On
March 8, Losev flew a Mi-2 helicopter, piloted by Y. Grekov, when
the weather was good, he flew out to conduct ice reconnaissance. An
hour after departure, Grekov contacted the icebreaker and reported
that a strong wind had risen in the reconnaissance zone, and it
began to snow. It
was dangerous to work in such conditions, and the crew received
permission to land the helicopter on fast ice from the south side of
Vaigach Island, in which case.
After this radio session, communication with the helicopter was
interrupted. When
all waiting periods were over, the icebreaker went in search of the
missing, but could not approach the shore of Vaigach because of the
shallow water. The
next day, two Mi-8s and rescuers flew out of Naryan-Mar and Vorkuta
in search of them. They
found the car crashed when they landed 2 km from the village of
Varnek on the island of Vaigach. There
was no fire or explosion, but both crew members were killed by a
strong blow.
Losev's death stunned everyone who knew him. “...
there is no such thing as Valery Losev, nor will there be,” said
N.G. Babich.
He was buried in the city
cemetery of Murmansk
in the village of Murmashi.
Cape (Cape
hydrologist Losev) in the north-west of the Yugorsky Peninsula. Named
May 8, 2002 by the decision of the Government of the Russian
Federation. |