Lovtsov Igor Sergeevich 

Arctic hydrograph. 
Born in Petrograd, in the family of a naval officer, a graduate of the Naval Cadet Corps, a participant in the Ice Campaign of the Baltic Fleet in 1918. 
Lovtsov graduated from
secondary school number 9 in Leningrad, received a degree in engineering hydrograph at the Hydrographic Institute. Throughout the war, he served as a photogrammetrist in the Baltic Fleet, was awarded the Order of the Red Star, medals "For Military Merit", "For the Defense of Leningrad", "For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.". 
After demobilization, Lovtsov joined the 
 the Main Directorate of the Northern Sea Route, as a senior hydrograph of the Nordwick Pilot's Expedition, and then headed the pilots' detachment of the Kara Sea. 
Lovtsov' life  was very short. Autumn during the transition from  Sibiryakov Island on Dikson motor boat with Lovtsov and workers Mikheev and Vasenkov disappeared. Only the following year, it was found with the remains of people hundreds of miles on  Tyrtov Island in archipelago Nordenskiöld. 
Lovtsov and his comrades were buried on the southwestern shore of the Tyrtov Island. 
Island east of the island Tyrtov. At the suggestion of V.A. Troitsky named in 1966 by Dixon hydrographs. 
Cape on the island of Wilczek Land archipelago Franz-Josef Land. 
The name was given by polar hydrographs and approved by the Arkhangelsk Regional Executive Committee in 1963 (Decision No. 651).


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