Maksimov Georgiy Sergeevich 
(30.09.1876 - 23.11.1955)

Russian hydrograph-surveyor, professor, doctor of technical sciences. 
Born in St. Petersburg, in the family of an ethnographer, honorary academician S.V. Maximov, the author of the popular in the late XIX century books "Year in the North" and "Siberia and penal servitude". 
In 1891  Maksimov graduated from the naval school, began service in the Baltic Fleet. In 1896  after graduating from the Naval Cadet Corps, Maksimov, at his request, was transferred to the Siberian navy crew by a watch officer of the Yakut transport who was engaged in guarding the Far Eastern industries and associated hydrographic work that fascinated the young officer. To the surprise of many, a prestigious and better paid military service, he preferred heavy hydrographic studies, going to the hydrographic vessel "Tungus". In 1898  Maximov was appointed Assistant Chief of the Hydrological Expedition of the Eastern Ocean. 
In 1900  Maksimov continued his education by enrolling at the Maritime Academy, after which he completed two years of training in astronomy and geodesy at the Pulkovo Observatory under the outstanding Russian scientist F.F. Vitram.  In the years 1905-1914 he conducted hydrographic work in the Baltic Sea and off the Murmansk coast as a party leader, and then as an expedition leader. 
During the First World War  Maximov served as head of the geodetic department of the Main Hydrographic Office. In Soviet times, he trained hydrographs for the Navy, was the director of hydrography and navigational affairs at the Baltic Sea Ship Safety Directorate. 
After organizing the  Main Directorate of the Northern Sea Route Maximov prepared cadres of polar hydrographs on courses organized by him, advised hydrographic and geodetic work in Altai and in Karelia, on the construction of the White Sea-Baltic Canal.


Makarov Embankment (Tuchkov), house 14. G.S. Maximov at the time of 1934

During the blockade, Maksimov lost his wife and two sons, and he was barely alive and was evacuated to Krasnoyarsk. 
After the war he headed the department of hydrography in Higher Arctic Marine School. He wrote the fundamental monographs "Hydrography" and "Hydrographic inventory", dozens of scientific articles on many special issues. 
He died in Leningrad, buried at the Bolsheokhtinsky cemetery. 
Cape (George Maximov) in the west of the island of George Land Archipelago Franz-Josef Land. Named by polar hydrographers in 1956 (decision of the Arkhangelsk Regional Executive Committee No. 271).


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